Crew memeber badges

I ordered mine about Christmas when I bought my Gunhammer 2 and I still haven't seen it yet...:confused:
This one needs a bump, since I realized that I'm 2 away from Gold, and only 11 away from Titanium :) I wonder how many titanium crew members there are...
Is it correct to think that everyone buying one of the Forum Special knives will also qualify for a Crew Member Badge? That would be very cool. I am glad crimsonfalcon07 gave this thread a bump - as I had not seen it. :)
I do believe that the forum knife counts towards a crew member badge, but someone who actually works for HTM would have to confirm. I certainly plan on counting my forum knife towards the gold and titanium levels!
Did a final design ever get chosen? I know I threw together a pretty rough looking proto a while back.
And another bump. The forum knife arriving brings me to 6. Just need 9 more, and I'll have enough for Titanium level!
Can I get a badge? Just Ron Finkbeiner Jr is all I want on it. I am buying my first Gunhammer on the 24th it will be for my birthday on the 29th.I will be 44 this year. Thanks