CRK fiends, its time to come clean...

The newest member of my family arrived yesterday:


That's a beauty:thumbup:
10 + ,I've lately become a insingo nut,I'm wanting a large inlay carbon fiber insingo next.Then I'll see if that will satisfy my sebenza craving for a while.One can only hope at this point.
More than 10, less than 20 currently.....I think :eek: Many, many more have passed through my hands though.
I'm with you Steve....many many more have passed through my hands as well.... but I must admit I enjoyed every one of them!!! And still enjoy the ones I have!! I don't know how many I have had the pleasure of owning.. less than a hundred I think... but never more than 41 at once.. sitting on more than 30 and less than
40.... :rolleyes: I think my latest custom knife obsession is interfering with my CRK collection.... :grumpy:
So I guess as our good friend James has noted, I HAVE IT BAD..
All the best!!
a proud CRK FIEND with less than zero will power!! :D
I sold my somewhat epic collection and some how I already have 8. How is that possible? But all I want is a LNIB Large Reg from 2004 or earlier. That's what has caused the disease to return. :)
I sold my somewhat epic collection and some how I already have 8. How is that possible? But all I want is a LNIB Large Reg from 2004 or earlier. That's what has caused the disease to return. :)

They are out there. Just gotta be patient and jump on it when one pops up at a reasonable price. The large regulars are something special to be had.
I just have one; it is a small Wilson Combat Sebenza. I have toyed with getting either a micarta Sebenza or one of the small micarta Insingos.
I just can't seem to justify a second one since my small Sebenza is such a great
I sit here reading this post with my first Chris Reeve, which is an Umnumzaan, still in the box that came in today from Knife Art. Based on what I have seen here, I am just moments away from contracting CRK collector disease :D

Me, too. I was so impressed with my small Sebenza I need a spare. Looking at a small CF. But it's easy to imagine a Damascus some day, too.
I have a Sm Sebenza Insigno micarta
and I recently sold a Seb 25

I want to replace the 25 and pick up
a Wilson Combat StarTac and a Box Elder Mnandi. After that I really think I'm done with folders. That said I do want a few CRK fixed blades.