This has been suggested more than once, with warm, enthusiastic receptions. CRKT is a fan-favorite around here.
I suspect any reluctance on their part might be due to their willingness or ability to dedicate a resource (that's a person, in management-speak) to Moderate at this time. The person would need to be entrusted with representing the company daily, in writing, before a huge, powerful base of customers. No small feat. As evidenced by the recent Cold Steel forum debacle, the amount and energy of posts can be crushing in the beginning, and if a company is not committed to it, they can be quickly overwhelmed. The more popular (and 'populist') the company's products, the more popular wouldd be the forum, naturally. Since CRKT's products hover around the $30-50 range, they are within most everyone's reach and their forum would undoubtably attract a lot of attention.