CRKT Marzitelli Prowler

Dec 24, 2000
Hey all-

Another one of those "wow, that's pretty cool for $39.95" posts.

This time it's the CRKT Peter Marzitelli designed Prowler.

First off, we should probably get this little bit out of the way. Yes, it's "only" AUS6 steel. Hey, I'm just as much of a steel snob as the next guy, but I like to think I can also appreciate something for what it is.... ;)

This is another one to fill the sort of niche that shootist16 pointed out in the 'Ryan Plan B' thread, and he's right. Maybe you can't pop for much more on a knife than 40 bucks, and if that's the case, well so be it. This one is at least worth a look. So on with it then:

Big, meaty, tank of a folder. Not Model Seven big, but similar in heft. Measuring across the spine you're looking at .585". However, most of that is the spacers. The liners and scales don't appear to be really any thicker than the average folder. The blade stock is a full 0.125 (1/8"), and milled very nicely to emulate Mr. Marz's slot-style opener. (works great, btw) Deep, aggressively milled thumb ramp. Overall, it measures 7.750", the handle being 4.50" of that. Really fills the hand well- again it's pretty thick- and no flex, play, wiggle- nothing. Solid and sturdy is conveyed well.

The action is excellent thanks to the nylon washers. Very smooth, and it's even got a pretty large ball detent for that "custom-ish" feel. Opens with an extremely satisfying "ker-chunk". (huge entertainment factor on this one, especially if you like sitting around annoying your fellow tv watchers while cycling your knives) The liner lock squares up nicely on the far left of the tang, and has passed every spine whack I've given it tonight. No reason to think it would fail. Plus, CRKT has given this one the LAWKS gadget that when engaged prevents the lock from moving all the way off the tang. This feature I could take or leave, but it does work, and they've recessed the top of the lever so it's not in the way.

I *hate* zytel scales. Usually. These are the best imitation of G-10 I've ever handled. Look at the edges of the scales, and you can tell it's zytel a mile a way. But the textured sides kind of look, and really do feel like G-10. In any case, they're plenty grippy. Also nice is the pocket clip; mounted up nice and high for deep carry. Unfortunately, it's not reversible.

Back to the blade steel for a second. Yeah, I wish it were something a little better, too. But it is crazy sharp, and it shouldn't take much to keep it that way. YMMV, of course.

It got me talking about it, so yeah, I do like it overall. It's always a good thing to see a decent, stylish folder at this price point. Honestly, I'd probably kick in another 10 bucks and go for a Camillus EDC if I could only have one knife and it had to be sub-fifty bucks. Yet there is something to be said for style, and I do know some folks will appreciate the big brutish feel of the Prowler.

In the end, another job well done by CRKT.



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Thanks for the nice review Firebat. This is the only CRKT that has me somewhat excited. I really want a Marz with the milled opening grooves, and now I can afford one. But, for every 7 or 8 of these you buy, you could have the real thing! I'm so negative sometimes.

I'd like to play with one at a gun show, maybe this weekend I'll have a chance.
Nice review, Firebat.:) CRKT continues to crank out some really nice stuff at remarkable prices. OK, maybe the steel is not the latest "Gee-Whizz-Bang" stuff, but for the price, how can you go wrong??:cool:
You got two of the three new CRKTs I'm interested in. Got the "Wow, that's pretty cool for $xx.xx" vibe for the Crawford Falcon?

Marzitelli was one of the first makers that really caught my eye when I got into this whole obsession last year. It's exciting to see a collaboration and a positive review here. Thanks!

Beating up a printer to gangster rap,

Edit: I love that clip! How thick is it? I put shrink tubing on all my clips; I hope a small one would fit.
Those scans I took are bugging the crap out of me, so here's a couple slightly better pictures for everyone.

Hey Zero:

"I too, am not a pussy." LOL!

The clip measures .422" at the widest point, and it's made of .045" stock.

I like the looks of that Falcon collab too. Hopefully it will start to show up around soon as well. I hope that one does well enough where CRKT does a "pro" version of it like they did with the KFF. That'd be cool.

Like Marzitelli's stuff, huh? Check out this link:

:eek: :D


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That does it, I'm renting that movie again this weekend. I feel short of "flair," anyway.

Firebat, I can say with full confidence that you are a professional bastard :p ! Not only do you have two productions that call to me, you also have the Obenauf M2 and a Marzitelli! I've kinda OD'd on tacticals, but that Marz is gorgeous.

A "professional" version of those three (and the Ryan 7) would be nice, but AUS6M does me just fine. It's obvious that it's not the best for cutting double-wall or tubing, but it still does the job. Besides, they're great teachers for sharpening!

Pretending to be retarded to make money,
I'm getting one too. I saw it at the Knife Expo, but the rep only had a demo, none for sale. I liked it right when I picked it up.
is knifeworks a good place to order from? I'm about to purchase my first knife and they have the m16-03 for ~40 bucks

The m16-03 has AUS 8 and the Carson Flipper right? I've heard varying reports, but the site says it has both(even though the flipper doesn't appear to be in the picture).
I just saw this today at the local gun show. Firebat's right about the scales--I didn't even realize until I read his post that it was zytel. I was paying more attention to the design of the knife and the smoothness of the opening. Definitely has a solid lockup and feel to it. I'm not familiar with Peter Marzitelli, but I'll definitely be taking a closer look at his work.