CS mini-tac

I don't know about "tactical" uses, but it's a handy little samurai hobbit chef's knife or ninja steak knife. It's a mini-santoku blade with some extra bevels ground in, on a Cold Steel kitchen knife handle. Good one to have at a picnic, or when helping in somebody else's dull-knife kitchen.

The steel is AUS6, which is what Kershaw uses in its kitchen line, and which is at least as good as Solingen Mystery Steel. It's thin stock, so it should go through vegies with ease, and the whole edge can come down on the cutting board.

The kydex sheath it comes with is a difficult design to get right, since it grabs the knife by the heel of the blade, which is very thin, and so there isn't much room for error between a sheath that holds the knife handle down against gravity and a sheath that won't let go of the knife when you want it too.

AKTI Member # SA00001
I was underwhelmed by the minitac. There are lots of better knives out there for the same or less money IMHO.

The thorn stands to defend the Rose, yet it is peaceful and does not seek conflict
Moving this one to Knife Reviews & Testing

AKTI Member # A000005
Living life "on the edge"
I agree with the 4th, The Woo from Newt Livesay is the best weapon, for utility work, the LP from Newt Livesay is the way to go

The thorn stands to defend the Rose, yet it is peaceful and does not seek conflict