CS vs CRKT Suit Settled

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Our press release has been updated HERE with an official statement from Lynn, which reads as follows:

I am pleased to announce that the lawsuit [filed in June 2015 in Los Angeles] by Cold Steel Inc. relating to advertising claims made by Columbia River Knife and Tool (CRKT) has been settled.
I am satisfied with the terms of the settlement.
The lawsuit will be dismissed.
Neither Cold Steel nor CRKT will make any further comment about the lawsuit or its resolution.
Thank You
- Lynn C Thompson
President, Cold Steel Inc.

I have been instructed not to discuss the case as per the terms of the settlement
Thanks and apologies for the delay
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Better lock, comparable materials, more affordable and capable products...

Where does the "not even close" come into effect?

Just because a lock can take a few more spine whacks doesn't make it 'better'. It's all personal preference anyway.
Cold Steel is like Gary Busey.

They used to be amazing; they pioneered the popularity of the tanto blade in the Western world.

And now they're become this bizarre caricature of reality.

Someone who works there really should tell the Emperor he's got no clothes on.
Just because a lock can take a few more spine whacks doesn't make it 'better'. It's all personal preference anyway.
That's not the point. The point is that CS seems to have either lost or vacated the suit and Jon's upset about it. Best thing to do is just let it settle and get back to concentrating on the knives. The show is over . . . for now.
They used to be amazing; they pioneered the popularity of the tanto blade in the Western world.

In name only -- their shape is totally inaccurate. The Hissatsu knife from CRKT is much more true to the original tanto's design.

CRKT 2, CS 0 lol . . .
Well the only score that really counts is the one in your pocket. If a CS works for you, carry a CS. If a CRKT works for you, carry a CRKT. Who's to say who's right or wrong? As Monofletch said, it's a matter of personal preference.
Time after time after time after time I saw people who had LONG been big supporters of CS, myself included, speak out against this lawsuit. Yes, the usual CS haters came out as well(they always do), but if you claim the "vast majority" were CS haters, you, quite frankly, weren't paying attention. I own over 60 Cold Steel products, I got folders, fixed blades, tomahawks, the SF shovel, machetes...hell, I'm one of those crazy weapon collectors who owns a few of their all polymer dagger type weapons, one of their Indian war clubs, even a sword. The most recent knife I ordered was a Black Talon 2, so I'm hardly a CS hater, but this lawsuit really reflected badly on them in my eyes, and was a terrible decision, with stupid, hypocritical arguments behind the supposed reasons for it. A lot of people like myself reacted the same way...and unlike me, some of them decided they were no longer willing to support a company like that. It won't stop ME from buying Cold Steel, but it does make me think less of them, and, well, I know I'm more hesitant to recommend them to other people now as well.

Fine. It won't stop you from buying Cold Steel products. But are you really gong to hesitate to recommend a specific CS model that's exactly what someone is looking for, because of this court action that got settled to both parties' satisfaction?
A "virt-fixed" folder nearly folds at 45 pounds of pressure, how is this an opinion?

To be fair there are countless cheap fixed blades that will break with less than 45lbs of pressure on the spine. Its not uncommon to hear unknowing people refer to locking folders are fixed blades because they are fixed open when in use, this who argument is entirely pointless and hopefully both companies can just get on with life.
Glad to see the case is over. We will never know the terms because they are confidential. The question of whether the suit hurt or helped either company can only be guessed at by looking at changes in 2015 and maybe 2016 sales figures for both companies compared to pre-lawsuit, but memories are short and so many other factors effect sales I doubt any sound extrapolation could be reached. In terms of "knife police," the appropriate means for that is litigation by consumers if they are actually harmed by a defective design
And even litigation by consumers is unlikely. That's what product liability insurance is for.
In name only -- their shape is totally inaccurate. The Hissatsu knife from CRKT is much more true to the original tanto's design.

CRKT 2, CS 0 lol . . .

If you'd been reading gun magazines in the 80s you'd have seen ads for a the CS Tanto and wanted one. Before that it was a K-Bar, a Gerber MKII, or a Bowie.

Regardless of being historically correct it was the Star Wars of the knife world. It's one of the knives that is a before and after benchmark.
Well the only score that really counts is the one in your pocket. If a CS works for you, carry a CS. If a CRKT works for you, carry a CRKT. Who's to say who's right or wrong? As Monofletch said, it's a matter of personal preference.

Thank you!

I don't see what the big deal is. There isn't a CS lock that will out perform my Shadow Tech Alpha's lock...no matter what you say!!! If you need a fixed blade--BUY A FIXED BLADE!!!

What next..... Coke VS Pepsi because they claim they have more fizz?:D
Thank you!

I don't see what the big deal is. There isn't a CS lock that will out perform my Shadow Tech Alpha's lock...no matter what you say!!! If you need a fixed blade--BUY A FIXED BLADE!!!

What next..... Coke VS Pepsi because they claim they have more fizz?:D

Will too. The locks on all my fixed blades are practically worthless, can't ever get them to disengage. ;)
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