Cuda Anyone :)

Mar 20, 1999
I'm thinking of buying a Black Ti Tanto Cuda. Does anyone have experience with these knives. I am really looking for information on their construction.

1.The rotation disc, is it plasic or metal, and how is it attached to the blade. Forsee any problems with this breaking ?

2.The Black Ti Coating, how would you rate it.

3. Screws and disassembly. Are they using torx and does it allow for complete take-apart for cleaning.

4.Lock quality, is a fairly thick liner lock and does it seem to have good contact with the blade. even though it will vary knife to knife I just want to get a fair idea.

5. As always, were you satisfied being a serious knife user ? I plan to put it up against my BM975SBT, and maybe replace it for a period of time.


Dark Nemesis

All the knives in the world go round and round, round and round, round and round...DAMN, one of them took my wallet !!! :)
Hello Dark Nemeses, i do not own the CUDA, i did handle it alot though, the opening is slick, it's fun to play with, but it is not a BM975 by far. The liners are very, very thin, thinner than the cqc7, when you push on the back of the blade the liner bends quite alot, my friend told me it did pass the spine whack test though. The construction i seen had the sme size torx type screws as my AFCK, although it has posts that are cool, but very thin, for me, the whole knife was kinda "shoddy", the construction was uneven, the g-10 grinded very ugly, the liner recess is way to big for a fighting folder-same with cqc7. I think the knife can be taken completely apart, i'm not sure though, my advice, save a tad more green and get a military, or a genesis, these are clearly better made.
From: Ivan 6-25-99 1131 PM EDT I have to agree with rage. I bought a Cuda last year. I had to sharpen it, since it was not very sharp out of the box. I had to replace the clip screws.It saw a fair amount of use. It was a quick knife to open and opening mechanism seems sturdy,but liner lock is too thin for big wide blade and I experienced liner lock failure one time testing it. Maybe I flicked it too much ,but I doubt that would cause lliner lock to failure. I know the BM910sbt I have is a better knife:no doubt. Ivan
Go with the cuda.Been carrying one for a year
with no problems.Bought a couple more just in case they quit production.


have a"knife"day
I got a mini Tanto. It ain't the prettiest knife, but seems pretty sturdy so far (it ain't no pioneer). The opening mechanism is pretty slick and alot of fun to play with. IF they were to beef it up a little with a thicker liner and bigger studs(cleaner construction), it would be one of the knives to beat instead of just a contender.

I like it alot, but I am not going to be rebuilding my truck with it, nor will I be pushing my luck with it. But as a daily user, for basic stuff, it is fun. I wish that they would bring the total level of beef up to that of the blade. Even my little 3" CUDA has a .160" thick blade, which is nice (and it was shaving sharp when I got it).

Over all, it s an okay knife with some features that make it appeal to some people despite its other failings (thin looking liners, linerlock, rough appearance, etc...but gimme a knife forged by the gods out of pure unobtanium with the handle wrapped in cord made from the hair of bigfoot's hide in a sheath made from nessie, and I will still find fault..these are my nitpicks....where is my Dremel?....). I can only pray that the CUDA will be taken to the extreme in an effort to appease us elitist knife junkies...(mmmm..............beefy)...

I think that the average consumer would be more than satisfied with th CUDA, and it is pretty darn fun to play with, especially if you are in a non-auto-friendly state.

I think that for a company that has been on the sidelines for such a long time, the CUDA is a pretty darn good effort. Phil has alot of goodies coming down the pipe, and I look forward to seeing them.

Also, the disc is made of metal, some sort of metal injection or powder forming process makes it. it seem durable enough.

Happily nursing my CUDA callous....

YeK -- good reply.
I'm curious to know as to what you use your mini-CUDA for?
YeK -- Another good answer!

Folks, there is a free CUDA contest at the Camillus Forum for anyone who thinks he/she should deserve a freebie. The contest runs until July 31. Good luck!

[This message has been edited by Titan (edited 26 June 1999).]
I was pricing/ trying out some knives, and the Cuda was one of the ones I handled. While I thought the opening mechanism was cute and such, the knife itself wasn't particularly comfortable to hold. The file work on the liner lock dug into my fingers, and I can imagine myself putting that knife down real quick-- not interested in holding it for a long period of time.
As for the opening mechanism, I could open the BM710 significantly faster and more balanced. I would assume with practice that the Cuda would be a fairly quick draw, but who wants to deal with a liner lock the size of *********.

My 2c.
Thanks for all the information. Seems that the liner lock is not up to specs for a blade that size. I'm glade the stud is metal and it looks like a "could be popular" design, but that liner really is the key isn't it. I use my knives hard and really dont want that mother of a blade to hit my fingers

Did you say 0.16", man its been a while since I have seen a tanto blade that good !!!
Can't decide whether to chance it with that lock or not.....

Dark Nemesis

All the knives in the world go round and round, round and round, round and round...DAMN, one of them took my wallet !!! :)
There is a thread in the Camillus forum in whick Phil says that the CUDA was tested to 100 pounds 3-3/4" from the pivot. (from what I gathered, that means that the lock withstood 375 in. pounds?) . That ain't bad, and Phil said
My CUDA tests at 375# forced several of the samples to "Fail". My definition of failure is that the liner lock bar moves all the way over to the other liner & the liner lock starts to crumple. At this point the knife is difficult/impossible to close. Warranty repair would consist of replacing liner lock & any other parts that may have been damaged (at no charge, of course). None of the locks I tested "defeated". My definition of defeated is when the liner lock moves away from the blade allowing the knife to fold close. I am reviewing several approaches to increasing the 375# results.

That makes me tingle all over..hehehe...



I think that the Axis is probably one of the fastest knives around, but it does take a little practice, and the only way I feel that it is quicker than the CUDA for the purposes of going from pocket to open, is if it is drawn and flicked in the same motion, which is a practiced move(that is how I open mine anyhow..there are so many ways of opening an axis..
). I found that the CUDA (even though it is tip down) is very natural to open from the pocket with little practice. When you pinch it to draw, the disc is already where your thumb is and there is no reaching for a thumbstud etc. . Just let it swivel into your hand and give the button a push forward, and voila'! is there. I found myself in the swing of things pretty quick.


It is not a matter of whether or not you are paranoid, it is a matter of whether or not you are paranoid enough.