Cuda Mini Talon in 154CM?

Dec 30, 2000
Hey all, I have a First Production Talon in 154CM. Was the Mini Talon ever produced in 154? I think it would be the perfect size to clip onto my fishing vest but can't justify the cost of the Talonite version (spent too much on Sebenzas recently and need more).

You really should ask this over at the Camillus Forum.
Good Collecting !
We never made the Mini Talon in 154cm. We did the run of Talons in 154cm, like you have, at the request of the members of BF, and the acceptance was dismal. It took us almost 3 years to sell them, which was not very economical for us. We scrubbed the idea of a steel Mini Talon.

I thought it was a great idea, but when people went to actually by the knives, the opted for the TANLONITE version, which was fine with us;)

Thanks for being a customer!
Thanks for the responses! Too bad the 154CM version did'nt sell. I really like the full size Talon in 154 and the Talonite version is a little more than I wanted to invest in a knife to clip to my fishing vest (and probably loose at some point).