• Preorders are LIVE for the 2024 BladeForums Traditional Knife

    Traditional Knife Information Thread - make sure you go in there and read up.

    Requirements: Be a Gold or higher member or have been a member of the forums since 6/2023 with at least 100 posts in the Traditional Forum. Preorder is for people who live in the continental US only, international orders will be separate.

    Delivery expected in Q4 2024, hopefully before the holidays.

    User Name
    Serial number request


Jul 2, 2000
This seems to be the only cure I have found to date:
1. A new mini-Talon
2. A new G1 Fallkniven
3. 2 more SAK's
4. A new Ulitmate Survival delux kit.

Sorry Uncle Bob but I JUST HAD TO HAVE these items too but my next months allowance is still at risk of HIKV.

Bremerton, Washington
And Ron you forgot the ATC'Hawk that I think you have on order?



Indin word for lousy hunter.
Satiation works for me. Well, make that over-satiation.

What!! There's more to life than H.I. khuks???? NO WAY UNCLE BILL!!!!

Chris B.

Ya got me! but at least my Light Infantry hawk is already paid for, but I don't think that UPS knows that Washington is someplace in the United States of America. I am hoping that mine will show up on Monday

Have you gotton your's yet?

Bremerton, Washington
Uncle Bill, UPS is pronounced "OOOOPS"
<font face="Verdana, Arial" size="2">Originally posted by Bill Martino:
I've had the same experience with UPS.


Bremerton, Washington

[This message has been edited by muzzleup (edited 03-18-2001).]
Last year for my History of the Byzantine Empire course the bookstore only ordered 12 books for 50 students. So, I went onto Barnes & Noble's website and ordered it through them. Since it was a book that I needed for class I chose 2nd day air.
The carrier was UPS. From Wednesday to the Monday of the following week it sat unmoving in a UPS warehouse in western Maryland 30 miles from my dorm room!

UPS' management doesn't seem to realize that their tracking software simply allows clients to know that their package has been stationary for a week.
<font face="Verdana, Arial" size="2">Originally posted by SkagSig40:
What!! There's more to life than H.I. khuks???? NO WAY UNCLE BILL!!!!


Of course there's more to life than HI khukuris -- there's the HI JKM, the HI Bird & Trout Knife, the HI Everest Katana....

You know, that link I just posted in another thread is even more appropriate here: All your base are belong to us

-Cougar :{)
Use of Weapons
Cougar, What was that supposed to be? Nothing was even in proper sentences! That one Cat dude looks like he might have gotten a khukuri to the face too!!! What was that base fraze suppose to mean? The rhythm was good though!!

Chris B.
I explained that link (in so far as it can be explained) in the other thread, but rather than post a link to that I think I'll paste the explanation in here:

The first part of that movie is the introduction to a badly translated video game. There are a lot of badly translated video games around, but when that one came out it struck some people as funny, especially the line, "All your base are belong to us" -- although in my opinion there are several equally funny lines in it, such as "Someone set up us the bomb" and "You have no chance to survive make your time ha ha ha" ... I have no idea what that means, but it strikes me funny ... maybe one of our Japanese members can figure out what that was supposed to mean and give us a better translation? Or maybe that would only spoil it....

That video game came out a few years ago and the line "All your base are belong to us" has been kicking around ever since ... but now suddenly it's everywhere -- all over the net and even in real life ... it was featured in a Foxtrot comic strip recently ... I might as well post a link to that, too ... taken from http://www.ucomics.com/

Foxtrot March 21

-Cougar :{)
Use of Weapons
Cougar, It is pretty funny how japanamation gets translated here in the states. I love how those cartoons move, there so exagerated! Did you ever see John Carpender's "They Live" about the aliens that put all those hidden messages in the humans lives hypnotizing them? Thats what it remindes me of. Maybe that's what "all your base are belong to us" is doing to all of us now!!!! Ya never know. I've never heard it yet but I'll keep my eyes and ears out! That is pretty funny if you think about it!!!!

Chris B.