Current Issue USAF Pilot Survival Knife ?

Feb 16, 2001
Hi everyone- I have one of those old 1950s era USAF pilot sheath knives with leather stack handle that I bought in a surplus store decades ago. That got me wondering what the USAF issues to their pilots nowadays. I thought that information would be readily available, but haven’t found out anything yet. Hopefully someone can satisfy my curiosity regarding this question.
BTW - I did come across mention of a 2 blade folder. One blade w/ auto opening & the other manual opening. For aircrew use. But is this include USAF pilots ?

I’d rather have a Fallkniven F1. And they’re cheaper, even at retail pricing than what US gov pays for the aircrew folder I saw mentioned.

Hi everyone- I have one of those old 1950s era USAF pilot sheath knives with leather stack handle that I bought in a surplus store decades ago. That got me wondering what the USAF issues to their pilots nowadays. I thought that information would be readily available, but haven’t found out anything yet. Hopefully someone can satisfy my curiosity regarding this question.

The USAF replaced the old Ontario 499 Survival knife with the Gerber LMF II ASEK. ASEK standing for Aircrew Survival and Egress Knife.

BTW - I did come across mention of a 2 blade folder. One blade w/ auto opening & the other manual opening. For aircrew use. ...

no answer but related trivia
see sub heading : Colonial Cutlery
also, of possible interest...

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BTW - I did come across mention of a 2 blade folder. One blade w/ auto opening & the other manual opening. For aircrew use. But is this include USAF pilots ?

I’d rather have a Fallkniven F1. And they’re cheaper, even at retail pricing than what US gov pays for the aircrew folder I saw mentioned.

That knife was chosen specifically for cutting parachute shrouds & straps or other belts. Places where you wouldn't want to be poking a big fixed blade.

There is a knife in the SERE kits but the USAF is coy about what the exact type is.


The knives that look like they're being packed for the SERE kits at Eielson (not going to try pronouncing that) sure look like an Ontario 499 and something from the RAT line.
The knives that look like they're being packed for the SERE kits at Eielson (not going to try pronouncing that) sure look like an Ontario 499 and something from the RAT line.
Yep, you’re right. That’s sure what it looks like in that photo. And if that’s what’s being packed for their arctic survival kits, they suck for that environment IMO !

Pack a cheapo strap hook cutter & a Fallkniven F1 (black blade version if they prefer) and call it a day.
Yep, you’re right. That’s sure what it looks like in that photo. And if that’s what’s being packed for their arctic survival kits, they suck for that environment IMO !

Pack a cheapo strap hook cutter & a Fallkniven F1 (black blade version if they prefer) and call it a day.

I'm gonna guess this is in line with the military's general policy of buying American when they can. But, this is the internet, and I end up with a mysterious boot-leather flavor, on a regular basis.
Uhhh…the one with the radio frequency for the Army etched on the blade?

Sorry. Couldn’t resist.
For good reasons .

You sure don't want to be identified as an enemy pilot if downed behind the lines in some places .
I think the uniform with an American flag patch plus the downed F-16 burning in the distance will give everything away as to the pilot's origin, without having to look for any makers mark on a knife.
I think the uniform with an American flag patch plus the downed F-16 burning in the distance will give everything away as to the pilot's origin, without having to look for any makers mark on a knife.
Doesn't change what I said .

If you think it's a joke , that's your business .
That knife was chosen specifically for cutting parachute shrouds & straps or other belts. Places where you wouldn't want to be poking a big fixed blade.

There is a knife in the SERE kits but the USAF is coy about what the exact type is.


I believe at SERE school you are issued an ESEE-4, the knife that's not in focus sure looks like an ESEE.
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I believe at SERE school you are issued and ESEE-4, the knife that's not in focus sure looks like an ESEE.

I can’t vouch for that personally, but my neighbor told me that he heard from his barber that he was cutting a guys hair a few weeks ago and the customer told him that his dentist told him that he had heard from his son’s piano teacher that yes, the you are issued an ESEE-4 for SERE school. Bueller…….Bueller ?????
I'm pretty sure that the knife in Danke42's picture is an ESEE-4 with black handle and coyote sheath.


Here's an article from a guy who was issued an ESEE-4 as a SERE instructor.

I don't know if the ASEK remains an issue item, but I sure haven't seen anything about its being in use since it was touted as replacing the Pilot's Survival Knife all those years ago. Clearly the Ontario 499 is still going strong, as both Garand Thumb's article and Danke42's photo show.

I believe at SERE school you are issued an ESEE-4, the knife that's not in focus sure looks like an ESEE.

USAF SERE instructors are given an ESEE 4 when they graduate training and are qualified to instruct.

In stateside training commands, Navy flight gear has a Spyderco Pacific Salt and a shroud cutter in it. The Ontario 499 is still used at Navy SERE school, although the "Bolt Knife" as it's known, is disliked by the instructors and students because the students frequently abuse them to failure.
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When I served (1972-75) the only knife I ever saw in Tactical Air Command was the 499 and it seemed like almost no one got one at gear issue - they bought them off base.