custom 110 rivets or no rivets?

Mar 7, 2002
I have a 110 that I carry alot. I hope to order a custom 110 in the middle of April and have decided to get;BG-42 blade, ns bolsters, and stag handles. My question is rivets or no rivets? What is the +&-? Has anyone had any problems with either?

Thanks Dean
Hey Dean,
I was assured when I bought my Pete's customs that I would not have any problems with NR scales. I forget which engineers answered my post, but they were very confident with the adhesive that they were using. They also reminded me that if a scale did loosen it's completely covered under warranty. To date I have had no problems with mine. Very secure.

You just have to ask yourself one question.
Why would you want to ruin beautiful stag handles by putting rivets through them. :)

I had one of the scales come off my custom. Rather than send it all the way back to the States from Australia I glued it back on with 2 pack epoxy. That was 6 months ago and it is still holding OK. The other custom I have is a non user so don't know if that would have had problems.;)
Joh, just curious...
What type of handle material came loose on you? How did you use the knife? Heavy (Australian Outback)? Moderate utility? Also, how long did you have it before it came loose?
C'mon dude, don't leave us hangin'.
Inquiring minds want to know.

I'm knew to knives but getting ready to order a custom 110. I would think the rivets would strengthen the handle. Am I wrong?

By the way, Oneslowbird...I looked at your photos. Now I'm trying to decide whether to go with Koa wood. It looks great. Will it withstand daily carry use?

I talked to Shirley at Buck and she said the same thing. She said that they never have a problem and if you do they cover it. It makes since. How do you like the horn handles? Would they hold up to heavy use? I'm talking abought farm work and the like.

Thanks Dean
oneslowbird G'day,
the custom I had trouble with has jigged bone scales.
No it wasn't used very heavily, just my daily carry, cutting cord and wrapping, peeling fruit etc. It has been dropped a couple of times which probably wouldn't have helped much.
When I go scrub my main users are an Endura and an Aussie made Hunter I've had for about 15 years. I do a bit of 4 wheel driving and camping, we have incredible country up here and abundant wildlife, (more crocodiles than you can poke a stick at).
Where I live is in the North East coast of Australia, in the Tropics.
My day to day job involves 50% office and 50% inspecting building sites and commercial premises, so my daily carry doesn't get too much hard use.
Hope that's answered it all for you
Rivets are not going to make the scales any stronger. I thought this at first too, but the guys at Buck told me no, it doesn't matter. They said go with what you like. And I'll tell you seriously, my AWB handles would look really bad with rivots.
The Koa wood is really strange. It feels very light and airy to the touch. Doesn't seem like it would be very strong. I expressed this to Buck a while back. Joe Houser replied and told me he had a chunk of this wood sitting on his desk. He said it was very heavy and very hard. So I guess it just feels wierd tothe touch. I've been carrying mine for quite a while now and it's holding up perfect.
For a hard use knife I think the AWB handles would work well. The jigged version would probably be better for this since you wouldn't notice scratches so much,and you would get better grip. I think it's pretty tough stuff. It is a little on the heavy side but it gives you a very secure feel.

Alex's comments/suggestion about the rivets and AWB are right on the mark. The jigged AWB handle provides not only some texture but in addition you will find that they have a rounded contour which provides a heftier grip. Perhaps it is more accurate to say that my PCKS 110 with an AWB handle has a rounded contour as there can be wide variance with natural materials.

However, the AWB on my 110 is so good looking that I haven't been able to bring myself to give it hard use. It is my favorite PCKS 110.
Hey joh, thanks for the reply.
Pretty ironic. That's the handle material I was thinking about for my next one.
I hope yours was just a fluke.
Is that epoxy still doing alright. I'll have to remember that for future reference.
BTW which one do you have for your non-user.

my non-user is a damascus blade with Asian Buffalo Horn scales and nickel silver bolsters. I figure it looks too good to be a user. It has crossed my mind to use it but don't want to mess it up. I would love to have another damascus blade to use but the value of the Aussie dollar is real low at the moment so it is cost prohibitive.
I had my jigged bone custom for about 8 months before the scale came off. I had previously sent it back for repair when the blade seized up on me. The repair was done promptly and no more trouble in that area. Buck's service is in my opinion second to none and I believe the scale problem was isolated. I have two other Bucks, a standard 110 Hunter and a 560Ti, no trouble with either.
Don't let the problem I had deter you from getting the jigged bone, with nickel silver bolsters it looks great, and gets lots of good comments.
forget to mention, the epoxy is working great, I think I could destrot the knife and still not break that seal. I've seen an experiment where this stuff was used to join 2 concrete blocks together. After the appropriate setting time the blocks were smashed up with a sledge hammer, the joint could not be broken.
One other thing, I also have a 110 Masters Series that is also a non-user.
forget to mention, the epoxy is working great, I think I could destrot the knife and still not break that seal. I've seen an experiment where this stuff was used to join 2 concrete blocks together. After the appropriate setting time the blocks were smashed up with a sledge hammer, the joint could not be broken.
One other thing, I also have a 110 Masters Series that is also a non-user. I admit to being a BIG 110 fan, I reckon it is one of the best designed knives made. I use a One-armed bandit for one handed opening and it fulfulls all my needs, and I can deploy it just as fast as my Endura or Police.
Thanks for the replies. No rivets on my first custom. Now you have got me wanting the AWB scales.:D I have a couple of wks to ponder this.

Thanks Dean
For anyone whose interested,
Couple of clearer pics of the Koa and AWB scales on my link below.

Thanks for the pics... The AWB is looking good for my first. Hay I can always order another:D.

Thanks Dean