Custom mycarta is back

Oct 23, 2006
So I have a crazy time trying to get custom mycarta from suppliers that make it and I hate making it myself, it takes to much time and it stinks to high heaven.
But I decided the only way to get it consistently was to go back to making it myself so that's what I'm doing. To solve the stink problem I'm now using epoxy instead of resin.

So it's available for order once again. But here's the not so fine print:
It will be very expensive for two reasons. 1. epoxy is much higher in price than resin. 2. if I don't price it high then I'll be putting it on every knife I make and I absolutely don't have time to do that. So to limit orders for it I have to price it high.
How high is high? $50.00 up charge.

There is a way to get it cheaper though. When time allows I make an extra knife or two a month. Some of these will have custom mycarta for handles and will only be a $20.00 up charge on the finished knife. The reason is that I can make these knives when time allows and if I have to put them off for a month I can because nobody's waiting on them to get done. So if you want a unique handle set up but don't want to pay the crazy mark up then this is the way to get one. Just watch my site store or become a member to get a head up when one is available.
I plan on doing burlap in natural (pictured), red and dark (almost black) green.
Some thermal (long john material) mycarta in natural color, maybe some corduroy and maybe some natural canvas. Plus whatever else that strikes my fancy when I get time.
Just a heads up to those that have been asking about it.
Thanks for looking,
Did up some red burlap yesterday.

And I got a little crazy with this one.

I was trying to go for a throwback look. I wanted something like the old striped celluloid handles that some pocket knives had back in the day.

It's not gonna work though because I couldn't get the stripes directly registered with each other no matter how hard I tried.
I might still use it, if nobody wants it then I'll just keep it or re-handle the knife later down the road.

Thanks for looking,
The throwback mycarta turned into "throw away" mycarta. heh. I cut it open to see what the contoured spots would look like when the handle was done and didin't like what I saw. Way to wild for me.

So I made some white thermal mycarta tonight. This stuff is cool. I made some maroon thermal a while ago and it turned out looking almost like carbon fiber.

Too bad that throwback didn't work. When I saw it, it took me back to my grandparents. They had bed pillows made with that exact material. Do you ever do blue jean micarta? I would love to see what that thermal looks like on a finished knife. Just poked my head in here this morning and will be back for sure. You really do some awesome work!!!
Thanks, LIL. I appreciate it. :thumbup:
Yeah, I was really disappointed when the throwback turned out the way it did. I wish I could find something similar to the old celluloid handles, they just have so much nostalgia about them.
The thermal micarta should be on a knife by the end of the week.:thumbup:
I put some maroon thermal micarta on a green river knife I gave away about a year ago. I thought it turned out really nice looking, sorta like carbon fiber.

Thanks for the kind words, my friend.
I see what you mean about it "darkening" the material. I may try to find some of that other resin when I run outta this can. So Iz are these thermal materails used? That's getting a lil to close to knowing the maker if you know what I mean! :D:D
Kinda looks like wet cotton balls in the pic is that the way it looks live? You happy with it or will you not be using it again?
Yeah, I kinda like it actually. I want to find some in brown or olive drab if I can and see how that shakes out.
This is awesome.

You ever think about doing a video on your process?
Thank, pde. I've never really thought about doing one, I might though.
I'm doing a hidden tang tutorial now so maybe after that.:thumbup: