Custom Sebenza Blade


Oct 21, 2006
Hello. I am looking for a Bladesmith to make a custom blade to fit a Regular Large Sebenza.I would like to have a Spear/Tanto Point and use a different material such as D2,A2,ZDP-189 etc. etc. Would anyone be willing to help me out?Thanks for your time.

Well, that's the sort of job I try to avoid, though I sometimes lapse and will do it for a friend, but usually regret it the whole time. --It just isn't a profitable endeavor for the maker, IMO, since you have to stop everything to get into someone else's knife... what will you end up making $5 or $10 per hour?

There are a few on this forum that might volunteer. If not, you might want to try checking out this guy:

I don't know him, and have never seen his work first hand, but he does have pix on his site. and his prices strike me as pretty reasonable. Looks like he specializes in these sorts of jobs.

Good luck!