Custom Sheath Makers Wanted

Jan 17, 1999
I just had a request from my non-net fluent Dad. He asked where he could find someone to make him several custom sheaths for fixed blades he has in the collection. They range from 4" to 13" in blade length. I filled him in on the downside of leather for long term storage and now he wants to get leather and kydex done for each of the knives. Who makes good leather and kydex as I want to point hime to a one-stop-shopping point. Any suggestion and phone numbers would be helpful.


Can't give you a one stop number but here is one for Kydex sheaths. Frank Sigman of EdgeGuard: 828-396-1266. He was voted here as the best sheath for the Carson U2 fixed blade. Hope this helps.

Blue Skies,

Can't give you a one stop number but here is one for Kydex sheaths. Frank Sigman of EdgeGuard: 828-396-1266. He was voted here as the best sheath for the Carson U2 fixed blade. Hope this helps.

Blue Skies,

Arghhhhhhhhhhhh! This canard has come up once too often -- *this* time I'm saving this rant and in the future I'll post it at every opportunity and won't have to keep writing it over.


Leather naturally absorbs some of the oil you put on your knife or gun and helps prevent rust. Your knife is safer from rust in a leather sheath than anywhere else.

Some companies use the cheapest leather they can get to make sheaths. A few years ago some imported leather appeared on the market that had not had all the tannic acid rinsed out of it at the end of the tanning process. *THAT* LEATHER CAUSES RUST. When manufacturers became aware of the problem, some of them stopped using the improperly tanned leather -- but others didn't want to pay for leather that had been properly tanned. They found a cheaper solution: use the shoddy leather and tell their customers "Leather causes rust."

If you suspect you may have a sheath made of that leather, rinse it in water for a couple of hours and then (after it's dry) apply whatever leather dressing you like.

I have a knife I bought in 1973 and kept in the leather sheath ever since. I stored it in the sheath for years at a time without even taking it out to use it. It's not stainless steel and it never rusted. If any manufacturer tells you leather causes rust don't believe ANYTHING that manufacturer tells you.

-Cougar Allen :{)
Cougar I agree with you. I have seen them say that before but never said anything. It is hard to fight people when they have no facts and still have an opinion. O well. Heck the sheath that would cause rust is the kydex. it has on protection. I too have stored knives in leather sheaths for years without touching them and no rust. And most are 1095 which rust just looking at it.

-Greg Johnson

Cougar, thanks for that head up...

To the question, Robert Schrap does Kydex and leather if I am not mistaken...

E-mail me privately and I will give you the address if you need.

One may want to keep an Eye out for my review of the Bob Kasper designed, Kevin Gentile modified AFCK and interview of Bob Kasper. Sorry about the wait, my review and interview should be online within two weeks, look for it right here at

Marion David Poff fka Eye, one can msg me at

"The victorious Warrior wins first and then goes to war, while the defeated Warrior goes to war and then seeks to win" Sun-Tzu

Be Excellent

Try Edgeworks - - and check out a thread in Shop Talk titled "Kydex Concepts fot big choppers" for pics/specs of a highly unusual sheath Scott Evans of EW did for me.

try which is run by Tim Wegner. They make quality kydex sheaths at good prices. They have a vast list of options for their sheaths.
Bob Schrapp does all of my leather sheaths. I highly recomend. His work is first rate and when you compare prices there is no contest IMHO. He advertises and the knife magazines and can be found in the bank of the Knife annuals.


Tom Carey

Thanks for the suggestions. I will wrap them up and forward them to my Dad.

Cougar, I didn't mean to get you fired up on the rant'o'cycle, but I understand where you are coming from. I have several old knives that have been in leather sheaths for years on end and are doing fine. But then again none of my knives are worth really big bucks. There still seems to be a pretty divided opinion as far as I can tell, and as these aren't my knives I thought I would err on the conservative side.
I'm going to have to rewrite that rant to make it clearer that it's not the people who repeat the story that I'm mad at; it's the unscrupulous merchandizers who started it in the first place. I also remembered a better example than that knife I bought in 1973 -- my late father was given a hunting knife when he was in Boy Scouts in the early 1940s. He always kept it in the leather sheath, hanging on a nail in his workshop, and it still looked like new the last time I saw it.

Many good knives and guns have been corroded by the tannic acid residue in shoddy leather. There ought to be a special place in hell for the people who sell that stuff -- make 'em wear clothes impregnated with acid -- and if they complain tell 'em "Clothes burn skin."

-Cougar Allen :{)