Customer Service Issues.....

Oct 4, 1998
Friends and customers,
Last fall, we introduced some internal changes @ CAMILLUS with regards to the organization of our customer service department procedures. We believed that what we were changing would help speed up customer service response with regard to warranty issues. We have always strived to have a good customer satisfaction reputation, and we were trying to update the department to take further advantage of the "wired world". In a way, that was part of the problem....our new website has brought more people than ever "intouch" with CAMILLUS.

Well, as is said of the best laid plans of mice and men, thing have gotten worse, not better. Systems we put in place, while done with the best intentions, have caused more troubles than they have fixed. As you may have read here on the CAMILLUS FORUM, there have been some instances of warranty work being delayed beyond acceptance, while others have breezed right through.:mad:

Meetings this past week, involving upper management of CAMILLUS, have brought forward the commitment for a top to bottom re-examination of the processes that we handle customer service and warranty work. The goal will be that all warranty work will be turned around within a week[5 business days] of it arriving @ CAMILLUS, or the customer will be contacted to explain why, and when to expect their knife back. We also are committed to answering customer inquiries within 3 business days.

Keep in mind folks, CAMILLUS makes more knives in a day than several of the knife "companies" listed here on Bladeforums make in a year. This is not intended as a slight to our friends at smaller, newer knife companies, but when you make not hundreds, not thousands, but hundreds of thousands of knives a year, you are going to have some returns. With our new website, more and more people have been able to contact us directly and quickly asking for informantion or help with a problem with one of their/our knives. We are committed to giving our customers first class customer service to back up the first class knives they expect[and deserve] from us.

We intend to contact everyone that has knives in for warranty work currently,where possible, immediately. You won't believe how many people send knives in with NO contact info:rolleyes: . We will then get out all the knives we have in house as fast as possible. I will not make a committment on that time frame for 2 reasons.....first, I don't know the condition of every knife we have in for warranty work now, and second almost everyone @ CAMILLUS in the sales and customer service dept is leaving for Orlando next week for the SHOTSHOW. We will get as much processed before we leave[most are leaving Wensday], and get the rest out ASAP upon our return. We plan on the 1 week turnaround to be inplace on all new returns coming in to the plant from here on out.

The best 2 ways for customers to contact us regarding customer service and warranty work is through....our toll free number 800-344-0456, and through our email account

Please when you send knives in for repair, be sure to include mailing address, phone numbers[day and night if possible], and an email address. This will help us contact you to expidite your warranty issues.

We want our customers to REMAIN happy customers.....please forgive our recent delays.

And keep an eye out for some more Kewl new knives being introduced @ SHOTSHOW.
Hi Will. Thanks for all the information, but mainly thanks for the commitment concerning the service dept. I do not have any warranty problems but it is nice to know if I do Camillus will be right on top of it! I didn't realize that Camillus produced so many knives!:eek: :eek: :D
I got lost in a sheath replacement issue and it did take a while... but I was and am very happy with you guys... I originally did not fontact you guys right and I let the follow up go way to long but once you guys confirmed there was no problem getting things fixed... 100's of thousands.... phew no wonder things can get misplaced occasionally.... :D heck I loose my keys every now and again...
The one time I contacted You guys about a replacement sheath, your service was A number one!!!!

How do I go about getting a replacement sheath for my BK-9? The one that I have has a verticle crack down the back of the kydex insert, and it's so loose, that when held (not shaken) towards being upside-down, the knife will fall right out...It is REALLY a loose fit.
That vertical "crack" is the "fold" line of the kydex liner.
My advice is to remove the liner, heat it in a toaster oven and fit to your blade, then glue back in.

The reason they rattle is that the blade stock that Camillus uses varies from run to run. Some are tight, some are loose, none are fitted.
Is the customer service email working? I sent an email a few days ago and never heard back. I sent a knife in for service a few weeks ago (name, phone, email included) and have not received it back or been contacted. I work odd hours, so email usually works best.
The customer service dept. caught up on all correspondence as of this morning, Thursday 3/13. If you have not recieved an email since you posted, please contact customer service again @ either 800-344-0456 or .

We will get to the bottom of this!
I think Will is perfectly right - I sent in a knife from europe recently and a couple of days later I received a friendly email from Wendy informing me about the knife being received by Camillus and that its being forwarded to the right person to work on - talk about perfect service.

I have no doubt getting the knife back it will be in perfect condition - thanks Will and Camillus.
