Customized EDC

hi, uncleknife,
is it possible to see some pictures on the round hole EDC. I am interested getting mines done the same. thanks!!
The pic on the web page is not mine, just with the same type of hole.

I wish I had thought to do that to mine.
I like the looks of that. I actually sort of like the thumb stud on the EDC though, since I can get my thumb under it and flick it open faster than an auto. It chews up my thumbnail, but oh well. I used to drive my brother crazy with that because he didn't quite have the explosive power in his thumb to snap it open the whole way, so he would try it and it would stop just short of opening. So he'd get frustrated and try again at least five or six times, then get mad and give it back to me. Being the nice guy I am I would LMAO then proceeded to flick it open repeatedly just to annoy him :D . Younger brothers can provide so much entertainment.