Da Scoop From Shot!!!

Oct 3, 1998
Greetings from the SHOT Show! I just finished getting a rpeview from our buddy Will at the Camillus booth. Man, we are looking at some pretty exciting stuff!

OK, first up - new folder under the CUDA banner. It's another monster from the mind of Darrel Ralph...The AFTERMATH! 5.5" D2 satin finished blade with a titanium frame lock design. Frame will have satin finished flames with bead blasted background. Will tells me that there is something EXTRA in this folder that makes it special. He asked me to return later this afternoon after Phil Gibbs arrives as Phil is bringing the prototypes. I will report back later after I get to play with it.

I also just got to handle the new OVB bowie. It is definitely a hoss!! But it's agile in the hand like Jerry's customs. It's REALLY nice.

As I type, the Camillus gang is beginning the set up phase so I'll leave them alone for a while.

That's about it for now. More later so STAY TUNED!!
I hope Phil gets out of Syracuse for it is snowing very hard.
Good Collecting !
Something in the back of my head kept saying the same thing!! WOW I can't wait! Dexter just go ahead and pick me up one of the proto's, I'm sure they won't mind...........heck, they probably won't even miss it!!:eek: :D ;) :)
I've known for a while there was going to be a CUDAMATH, but I didn't tell anybody! Big thing about this knife is Darrel put a recurve blade in a Maxx-type handle. At least I hope it's a recurve!

Although honestly I wish they would make a "Micro" Maxx pattern instead... the full-size versions won't fit in my pocket!

Originally posted by Jason Burns
Some things are worth getting bigger pockets! ;)

Well... what I mean is that I measured the length and if it were sitting in my rear pocket, I think it would be a little... intrusive.

I'm not too fond of having hard, long things pushing up on my rear!!



At that size, I'd have to carry it in a backpack -- and I might as well have a fixed blade in there.

Don't put it in your pocket. Tuck it in your waistband above your back pocket. I bet you won't be anymore aware of it than your wallet.

An Aftermath with something special??? Gotta hunch...I'll write it in an envelope and after you leak the info I'll open it and see if I'm right.

Originally posted by Wirebender
Big thing about this knife is Darrel put a recurve blade in a Maxx-type handle. At least I hope it's a recurve!

I hope so too!

If the CUDA is an accurate reproduction of the Aftermath it won't have quite the same handle as the Maxx, though. That curved handle looks to fit the hand even better.

And recurves are my favorite blades. I am psyched!!! :D

--Bob Q

"You say psycho like it's a bad thing..."
Will the CUDA Aftermath be tapped for both tip-up and tip-down carry like the original? I would be so happy to get a tip-up version without modification.

--Bob Q
Seeing as Dexter hasn't finshed off his statement about what is special....

It will be asisted opening. Leaf spring assist that is very predictable [you can feel when the blade is about to fire off]. VERY impressive
yeah,the assist is supposed to be pretty cool. havent handled one yet myself.
cant wait till this bad boy hits the market.
Just got my hands on a catalog from the Shot show. :D

Oooooooooooh baby!:eek:
That is one beautiful offering. Everytime I think I am going to catch up and save some money, Camillus/Becker offers something new that makes me say YESSSSSSS! I admired the aftermath when DDR first came out with it, and am very happy that Camillus will be coming out with their version. Very nice.

Sorry, no reference to the Dominator. As far as I can tell this is the only new DR design in the catalog (fold up flyer really more than a catalog). The flyer does say that the Aftermath is a spring assisted opener. Just tap the flipper and step back out the way!! :D

The new OVB Fisk bowie looks mighty nice also.....
Originally posted by Revolvergeek
Just tap the flipper and step back out the way!! :D
Oh, Good Lord!

I just tap the flippers on my CUDA Maxx bowie or DDR Madd Maxx dagger and the blades jump out. Can you see this one being "waved" out of a pocket and slicing some leg :eek:

Where do we pre-order !?!?!?