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Daily carry multi-tool help....

Oct 8, 2002
I'm in America's bullseye, NYC. I want a multi-tool for daily carry in my pack. I definately want scissors and a corkscrew. Leatherman PST looks good, but no corkscrew, Juice has both but costs $23 bucks more to get the corkscrew. Why is a corkscrew so important? Several times (company party, away with my wife) I've needed one and looked lame for having every tool on me except this. Now should I buy the Leatherman PST for $39 bucks and and throw a cheap corkscrew in the pack, or get the juice, essentially paying $23 bucks for a corkscrew?:confused: Note: I already own the Supertool for around the house use.
I drink wine every day, I often carry a waiter´s corkscrew (besides my 2 EDC knives), I believe a decent $5 waiters corkscrew will do a better job than any multitool and won´t take much space in a pack.
My generic SAK has a corkscrew and I think my wife picked up the pack of 5 stainless steel knives with stainless steel scales for $10-20. That way, you get the mini-scissors and corkscrew without having the Batman utility belt look (not that there's anything wrong with that).
How about the SAK w/C.S., and the multitool:D
The Juice C2 that I found was only $39 bucks. I also wanted a corkscrew for EDC. Leave the bigger, heavier multi tool you have in your glovebox, and use it when you NEED it, but carry a smaller, more comfortable multi for EDC. For me, that is the juice C2.
Originally posted by UltraSteele
The Juice C2 that I found was only $39 bucks. I also wanted a corkscrew for EDC. Leave the bigger, heavier multi tool you have in your glovebox, and use it when you NEED it, but carry a smaller, more comfortable multi for EDC. For me, that is the juice C2.
But the C2 has no scissors!<p>Come to think of it, as an earlier post mentioned, a waiter's corkscrew is the best bet. I once tried to open a particularly stubborn bottle of wine while in a B&B on Nantucket when the corkscrew on my Swiss Army Knife snapped clean off! It killed the mood, but at least when I mailed the knife back to Wenger they replaced it for free.
Originally posted by knifedaddy84
But the C2 has no scissors

That's okay. Neither does the PST that you mentioned in your first post. I'd go with the Juice. You'll get a corscrew with an assist, which could make all the diffeence to you. You also get very well designed pair of scissors.
I'd go with a LM Wave and a waiters corkscrew. I've got a juice with a cs and found it difficult to use.

Yeah... let me say oops- I know they didn't have scissors. I missed that, Knifedaddy- sorry. Maybe a Squirt would work for you? After re-reading the posts, I guess I agree that carrying more than one tool might be what you need.

Actually, I made a decision to only carry a Juice for EDC- I leave my LM Wave in my Glove box- hey I'm never anywhere without my car, right? And when I KNOW a big task is at hand, I carry that instead... well it works for me...

Check out the LM Flair- it has BOTH a scissors and a cork screw
Hey Sepcat- did you say the hinges are coming loose on your Wave? Have you tried to get it replaced? That's rediculous if its supposed to be a tool!

I just ordered a Wave- you telling me its crap?
>"My generic SAK has ..."



But to the original poster's dilemma, I'd go with a Leatherman Flair.
Yes UltraSteel the hinges are getting loose and I know of a handful of fellow WAVE owners who're having the same problem. In addition, a local knife store warns people against the WAVE and pushes the SwissTool because of this problem.

I spoke to the Leatherman warranty department, they acknowledged the problem and all I have to do is mail my WAVE to:

LTG Attn: Warranty
12106 NE Ainsworth Circle
Portland OR 97220

And they'll either install spring washers and re-tighten those damn secruity torx screws or they will replace the tool free of charge. I purchased my WAVE two years back and I do not know if the newer models like the one you have on order is a revised design or the same. I just have to get off of my ass and send the thing in. But, if it gets loose again, I'll just donate it to the Bow river and buy a Swiss Tool with a corkscrew.

Cheers & Best of Luck with your WAVE.
Wine bottles are sometimes very reluctant to give up their corks! I've had the corkscrew on my SAK go into the cork, but then shred it, as there is no leverage assistance.

I advise, get whatever multi-tool you wish, and throw a SOG Vino in with it. Beautiful tool.
Just a tip on opening wine bottles with a SAK: Sit down in a chair; twist the corkscrew down into the cork; set bottle on floor between your feet; hold bottle steady with your left hand; pull the knife toward you with your right (it usually takes a LOT of force, that's why it's best to have the bottle steadied against the floor, and supported on the sides with your feet). If you're left-handed, reverse the hand directions. Enjoy the vino.