Damaged Rat 1 Edge

Jan 17, 2015
Hey everybody! This is my first post on this forum. I am kinda new to knives, but I decided to stone wash my Rat 1 using stones and WD-40 in a mayo jar and thrown in the dryer for 10 minutes. The finish looks great, but my edge is obliterated! I have spent an hour on my Sharpmaker and I am seeing no improvement. I have the diamond rods also and have used them but nothing seems to help. What can I do to get my razor edge back???
I'd say start with a really coarse grit. Maybe even sandpaper, to reestablish the edge.

Then methodically work your way through finer and finer grits until you reach the level of sharpness you desire.
post a pic id love to see a SW RAT! that being said, +1 on the coarser grit sandpaper on a piece of glass and run through the grits and finish with a strop of some sort. i convexed mine to a polished edge