Damascus 21 edge retention?

Dec 30, 2008
Hey guys. I’ve noticed cutting down cardboard and thicker packing tape for a day the edge on my Damascus 21 dulls a bit. I can see the shine in the light on the edge. I notice the first cut is great but after that it needs the tip pushed through to a fresh part of the blade. I sharpen at 20 degrees on a wicked edge and have no issues with any other knives on that system. The edge is being sharpened and no burrs. Is it just a caveat of this steel? I LOVE the knife. Yes, I do strop it but thought it would last longer between stropping .
It has been pretty close to s35 in my experience I sharpen 20 degrees worksharp has some good YouTube videos talking about toothy and mirror finishes and working edges. I’m a novice sharpener at best but I don’t think mirror edges are the best for actual use. Hopefully someone that knows more than me will chime in
The Damascus knives I have dull the razor edge after some use, But keep cutting a long time.
I have always likened CRK Devin Thomas Damascus to perform and hold an edge like S30V, which I love. I toted S30V in regulars, Classics and 21’s for years without issue. Have also carried and used several Damascus Sebenzas. If anything, cutting cardboard will eventually lighten the Damascus as it’s abrasive. But as for edge retention, it’s pretty darn good.
The damascus is made out of AEB-L steel and 304, another stainless steel. AEB-L is a stainless razor steel developed by sandvik I believe. It'll be tougher than s35VN but hold an edge for less time. This is due to having smaller and lesser carbides--more toughness-- than s35VN more larger carbides for higher edge retention. It's a very clean steel, takes a mirror polish well while still retaining cutting ability.

In combination with the 304 layers it will perform as if it has micro-serrations due to the 304 breaking down before the AEB-L.

the best way to maintain this steel is regular daily stropping if you cut any abrasive materials. I usually prefer toughness over edge holding as fixing chips is such a bear..

I wish you the best with your new blade!