Damascus-incisor neck knife

Feb 6, 2001
This was a little different. I did a necker similar to this in carbon steel for a fella but, wanted to play around with this idea some more. This thin bladed knife (3/32") has a 700 layer nickle damascus blade, 2 3/4" long. The guard is nickle-silver with white/black spacers and a throat of California Buckeye Burl. The handle itself is a warthog incisor tooth. This knife is gonna have a reversible "open faced" magnetic sheath, Tess is finishing it now.


Jay, pretty nice work there! I never considered using a tusk for a neck knife. Cool! I could pull a couple of my mother in law's tusks and make some BIG knife handles, but they would certainly be too heavy to carry around your neck. I really like the color of the tusk you selected, and the whole knife really blends beautifully. We are looking to see your better half's sheath, too. And she has to model it, no ifs or buts. Nice work, guy!
Excellent! I like the way that handle fits and forms the guard. Beautiful blade, too; nice work and thanks for sharing!

Thanks, the incisor teeth are a little different to work with than the tusks. Their less symetrical, kinda flat on one side, triangular on the other, so the shaping of the throat and guard seems a bit off at certain angles thought they follow the tooths contours.