Dan Winkler bowie

Nov 20, 2001
I picked this up at the Reno show. The pic is from Nordic Knives, which had the knife for a while. Dan changed the concho on the sheath for a nicer damascus one. I love the balance of this knife. It's rare to see short, stuby, and yet graceful bowies, but that's one. Mr. Winkler is a nice person, and he sent me a nice thank-you card last week.

That's a great piece, Joss. You have a good eye for quality. Every area of this knife is a curiosity and shows forethought. Nice.

I love Daniel's work. That is one heck of a great looking knife. My guess would be that Karen Shook made that sheath and it is every bit as nice as the knife.

Beautiful knife, I really like Dan and Karen's work. He made me a large camp knife with a Sperm Whale tooth that I provided, and a sheath by Karen. Really, museum quality.
Thanks for sharing.

Very nice, Joss.

Dan and Karen are super folks.

I absolutely love the knife and sheath I received from them at the Guild Show.
Short, stubby, graceful - yep, it's all those things. And very beautiful as well. Is the guard damascus?


Nobody does the whole package better! That's a beautiful rig, almost can't imagine a different concho could make it any better. Thanks for sharing your find,
One thing that is interesting, and which prompted the question "What do you look for in a knife" is that it's not universally well made. The fit is good everywhere ... except the shoulders at the ricasso. The shoulders are not both smooth, one of them has got "steps" from the square files used to carve it. Apparently, it wasn't cleaned with a round file. Furrthermore, they're not aligned! Very strange. Everywhere else, the knife is perfect.

The guard is patinated Ni Silver. The sheath is K. Shook indeed.
