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DaQo'tah learns a bit of stitching today

Aug 26, 2002
Hi this is DaQo'tah

So today the DaQo'tah wanted to stitch his latest knife sheath.

I printed out all the information that I have received in emails about how to do this new type of stitching. I found a clean place to work in the warm basement. (Outside temp is about 20 below zero right now)

I got out the new, thicker type of string that I wanted to try-out for the stitching this time.

I was all ready to go... Then I looked around for the directions that Ed Fowler had sent to me snail-mail...I just had them...where are they?

I looked and looked...turned the house up-side-down,,,,didn't find em.

I gave up, having wasted the whole day looking... I sat down in my easy chair with a beer, and,,,noticed something stuck in the chair when I sat down.

Now........when I stopped cussing myself out..I decided right then and there to make a back-up plan. I took the directions that Ed had sent me, and re-typed the whole thing onto my computer.

This will keep me from having to search for them next time.

I also used my computer scanner and took photos of what I did to day at each step. This I put with the directions text, and just dumped the whole ton of information on to my website!


Now I will be ready for my next attempt at stitching the knife sheath for sure!
thanks for all the comments!

,,I like to hear what people think of my webpages. I wanted to make a page to help anyone who might need directions, as I do.

Just trying to pass on to the next guy, the little I have learned , as easly as others have passed on knowlege to me.

I did use the wrong type of string to make the stitches. Ed Fowler seems to use a way wider and flater type of string...

I didnt know where to get that, so I just got what I could,,,,But turns out that my wife found some laceing tape like Mr. Fowler uses,,,so with my next sheath I will try that stuff to see how it works.

the string on my website photos was very much filled with a wax,,,it got very hard to use after a while,,,but on the other hand, all that wax should make the stitching able to stand up to years of use without breaking down.