Dark Ops Knives Steel

Oct 18, 2002
Got a question regarding the steel used in Dark Ops knives (CTV-2 I think it is) is this a hard alloy to sharpen. Seems to me it would be but I am not an expert on knife steels.

A couple of people in my unit bought them due to the advertising and the fact that they were designed by a Navy SEAL. I personally am some what skeptical about these knives since I have yet to see any hard test data.

Is this steel going to be tough to sharpen in the field? Unit is on its way overseas.

Prefer my Spyderco Military and BKT crewman personally
Can't say what steel exactly it is. I find myself turned off the Dark Ops knives simply because of the OTT ad. Anyhow, I hear that those knives are similar to ??? Extrema Ratio knives, which use Bohler N690 steel. N690-, in turn is similar to VG10 steel which is more commonly used. That should make it a pretty darn good stainless steel. I have not found my VG10 hard to sharpen at all, much easier than the much-touted S30V steel.

As a general rule, make sure you pack a diamond hone and the sharpening job will be a heck of a lot easier in the field. Most of the higher-grade stainless steels ARE harder to sharpen (ATS34, BG42, VG10, S30V, D2 etc.) Good luck. Jason.
will62 said:
A couple of people in my unit bought them due to the advertising and the fact that they were designed by a Navy SEAL. I personally am some what skeptical about these knives since I have yet to see any hard test data.
Amazing. I personally am more than somewhat skeptical about these knives since I have yet to see that they really made any! Have those people in your unit taken delivery or did they just pre-order?

As far as I know, Dark Ops is an advertising campaign, not a knife company.
ha if you can call it advertisment, havent laughed that hard in a long time. i honestly thought there site was a joke. havent heared anything at all about the knives though, who knows maybe behind all the crazy design incorperations to minimize blood spray while deanimating and enemy they might make a decent knife. i think there was a thread on this somwhere, also worth a read for a good laugh.
One the guys in the unit has one that got here yesterday, he was talking about it and sounded like an ad for the company. Have not seen it yet.

I have seen the links on tactical forums and had to laugh.

I do not like the fact that someone in the Navy(or used to be) is using his position to sell a product that may be seriously over-rated.

Too many people buy knives based on slick ads as it is, but it is their money.
I would really be interested in any information on this supposed Dark Ops knife -- where he got it, who's selling them, what model, etc. i can't understand how one got out to the field but no one hear has heard about it yet.
Esav Benyamin said:
I would really be interested in any information on this supposed Dark Ops knife -- where he got it, who's selling them, what model, etc. i can't understand how one got out to the field but no one hear has heard about it yet.

Isnt it obvious, its an ER folder with the ER scratched off and Dork-Ops written over it. :) (Might as well be... :) )

BTW, in their ads, aside from the deanimation, blood spray remarks which are of course absurd, how about the fact that the "SEALS" in the pictures always have supressors on their M-16's, last I checked, supressors couldnt do much about that little thing that occurs when an object travels at 3250 FPS, called a sonic boom. :) Hey, maybe they are believers in the "Slow and Heavy" school of ballistics, and prefer an 80 grn. bullet at about 900 fps., with about 25 ft. lbs. of Energy, to the 55 or 62 grn'ers at 3K+? :)

What about how in the same ad, they say their blades are selctively hardened, then say they are through hardened? Well, which is it, cause it cant be both.

I also love how they brag about their "world class" special alloy containing "surgical" grade steel, wow, them, and all the Chinese and Paki junk too... Muat be good stuff... :)

These guys are so ridiculous and on so many levels, it's almost funny, were it not for how truly, shamlessly manipulative and shortsighted they are.
sad but true.....what the heck is CTV-2?
Dang.....I sat there and thought and thought and couldn't come up with anything....y'all are pretty clever!!
Moteng are supposed to be stocking them soon, there isnt any more info in the dealers area, so I have no idea if and when (as if lol) I could get hold of any.
There is no "-" in molybdenum. That makes me suspicious right away !!!!
god damn dark poOPs. A co-worker say the add, and clearly convinced they're the best....better then busse. I hope he gets one so I can snap it with me CT.

Just what my city needs. Officals to notice we don't have many knife laws, nor crimes. Then some ******* buys one, and does something stupid while on smack. Knives will be blamed instantly.

I think I will deficate on their ad now.
When the guy who was in charge of Extrema Ratio knives had his forum, he was a great guy and provided great service if needed (Frank something, I can't remember), now, just because of some wild advertising everyone is screaming bloody murder.
I'm sure there a great product, based solely on this man's reputation, and my own handling of E.R. knives.
Okay, so maybe he had the same manufacturers make similar knives? so what?
He may be critized for lack of originality, but I still feel the man should be given a little more respect based on his behavior when the Extrema Ratio forum was running.
Frank Milller is a great guy. But he parted ways with Extrema Ratio under less than happy conditions. They are not making his new knives for him.

Anyway, it's been six months now of no-show knives. The advertising for DOK is laughable, but that's not a dealbreaker, as Lynn Thompson has shown. Still, what else can we talk about but the dumb advertising?
I just don't the newbies to get wrong ideas,
at least not until someone's had the chance to test the knives,
for those of you that don't like the advertising:
Have any of you expressed thoughts to the Dark Ops people, and have you received any replies?, just wondering, thanks.
I am seriously waiting for some new member come on and be like:

"Hey, jsut bought my Dark Ops after x years of collecting...and it is the most insane al queda killing blade I have ever owned. Nothing cuts through the walls of an airplane or cracks bones easier. My navy seal buddy, who was paul basal's protoge, has one and has de-animated many a muslim under the patriot act. you should all go buy one and throw out your other whimpy knive! 9/11/01 we'll never forget!"

Seriously, with the advertising now, a forum spammer has to be in the works.