Day 3 Birthday Present Giveaway: BK16

The first Ka-bar I experienced was when I found a few old and beaten up black ka-bar fighting knifes in the commissary facilities(in Norway, sort of rare knife over here). Every time I was there I had to go and fondle them. Still regret not trying to buy them even though they were most likely not for sale.
Last fall my son and I were out doing some hiking a couple weeks after Labor Day. We checked the weather before we left and it was supposed to be sunny for the next couple of days, so we left our campsite with a couple of chairs out and the firewood uncovered. We hiked all day, climbed some rock faces, and enjoyed some father-son time. On our way down off the bluffs I saw some storm clouds rolling in, so we picked up our pace. By the time we got to the trailhead, I could hear sirens going off and the wind was wild. We found some shelter and waited out the worst of the storm, then headed back to your campsite. Of course, at that point, our wood was soaked, as were we. My son looked at me like "how are we going to get warm?" I had a Becker BK9 in my supplies, so we started splitting some of the wood to get a dry layer. We split it into kindling sized pieces and shaved a couple of them into fine tinder. The fire started right up and we had a great night...complete with cocoa and eggs (dinner of champions, right?).

Here's a pic of the fire we had that night.

Used to use my old 1940's KABAR for everything when camping from nailing up the trash bag to hacking branches into roasting stick to digging holes. Never thought twice about it until I found out what I had. Since then I have babied it more. Knowledge is not always a good thing.
My Dad carried his Kabar USMC with him during Vietnam, then used it for another 8 years in the Reserves. Then when my brother deployed to Afghanistan he took Dad's knife with him. I guess you could say we consider it a good luck charm. As for myself I have had many Kabar knives, but I recently bought a BK7 and it is now my main camping knife. It does everyting I have thrown at it and well. Most recently I carved a hiking staff and I did all of the rough carving with it. (I picked a dead cedar tree that was a little too thick!) I didn't even have to sharpen it once during the carving but I did strop it when I was done and it will shave your arm clean.
I got to talking with my boss (retired marine sniper) about knives and he pulls out a kabar tdi last ditch knife he had in his pocket, he then goes to his toolbox and pulls out a USMC fighting/utility knife that he keeps at the machine shop all the time, that made my month :D, because i could have sworn the only knife he ever had on him was a box cutter.
I was assisting some young folks learn to throw hawks at a state park pioneer days festival. I had the USMC on my belt. A kid asked if I could throw it, and I said no, it isn't that kind of knife. My hawks were taking enough damage for all concerned that day.

Anyway, after ribbing from some parents, I gave in to peer pressure, and stuck it! Naturally, I quit while I was ahead.
My USMC Short is my go to for a fixed blade. It's been camping and has gone through more logs than I can count. My ZK Kharon also is a great conversation starter! Thanks for the opportunity Kabar.
One time me and a friend were messing around at camp. I was using his classic Marine KA-BAR for some pretty ridiculous stuff: throwing, trying to chop trees down, etc. When I finished I felt bad and wanted to sharpen it before giving it back. Now, this was before I knew anything about knives, let alone how to sharpen them. So I took it to the stream and tried to sharpen it on a rock. Needless to say, I failed and he was unhappy. Thanks for the opportunity.
Used my becker BK3 to win a contest for a Becker BK 7, that was pretty fun. :D Took a shitload of work.

Thanks again for the giveaways.
A Ka Bar was used as a tool to help ward off any potential looters in the aftermath of Sandy for me.
Thanks for the chance!
Once snow camping with a few friends, it was a cold night and we had marshmallows. Put two and two together.. and we decided to build a fire. The only problem was that all our firewood was wet. No one else had a knife big enough- finally, I took out my BK2 and batoned a couple logs to reach dry wood, than shaved it to create some tinder and kindling!
I have one of the original Warthog knives that I got about 15 years ago. Not long after I had gotten it I was trying to cut something in a stupid way and now there is a scar on my left index finger to remind me not to be stupid.
Not too long ago I took my bk2 to Hawaii while visiting my brother to take along on a several day hiking excursion. the bk2 admirably handled all tasks from food preparation to fire making to even building my shelter. just one of the many good experiences I've had with my Ka-Bar
Again tough question, I am going to say not one specific time but every time I use my BK 11. I almost always have it with my on a outing and it has never let me down.
I got one of the first Potbelly's on the market, it was actually the blade used in a review on another outdoors site. I used it for everything under the sun and it became my go to, even over some custom knives of similar size. Time got a little tough, have to sell just about every knife I had. I finally picked up another one a couple of months ago. I used it out in the yard a few weekends ago to trim up some fallen branches. My three boys thought it was the coolest thing they had seen, watching the Potbelly and I go though the branch debris in a couple of swings. I've got a Kabar folder of some sort stashed in every conceivable spot you can think of as well.
I don't have anywhere near as compelling a story as some of the others who have posted, but I have heard wonderful things about your customer service - and as someone who lives in Upstate NY, am proud to have Ka-Bar in my back yard!
My first Kabar purchase was the 1217. I had been searching around the internet for a reliable fixed blade knife and kept coming back to the traditional F/U. I loved the look and the reviews were positive. Then I started watching "Sons of Anarchy" and noticed the main character carried one. It doesn't get much action on the show, but when it does, it's memorable, and that sealed the deal. Nothing like good ol' fashioned pretend TV violence to win me over. I bought one, and I love it. It doesn't really get much of a work out since fixed blade knives aren't a daily necessity for me, but it's one of those knives I have to frequently pull out and handle. And for me, admiring the look and craftsmanship brings me a lot of joy. Thanks Kabar!
I never go camping without my ka-bar, its a needed tool. From splitting kindling to prepping food.