As a new forumite I would like to say a BIG thank you to site owner+ moderators + people exchanging information. absolutely mind blowing stuff! My addiction has been sanctioned. Now the business problem. I live in Noo Zeeland & have found the knife of my dreams on the Forum (lucky me) I wish to pay by credit card -it is a private deal,it's conveniate & FAST,however seller doesn't have c/card facilities (as per most citizens) 1/if I pay how do I secure the deal ?-PLEASE no offence to seller as I don,t even know the guy, which is of course the problem. proposed solution--how about Mike Turber acting as a clearing house,checking goods are as described,clearing personal cheques,& c/cards ?--This the cool part - the buyer & seller each give a percentage to the HOUSE which is Blade Forum. this would help to finance running Forum by active traders EVERYBODY wins ! I for one would never had the chance to hold my dream machine without Forum. just a thought.He who dies with the most toys wins. W