Deals for 12/29 -- Pix and Sgt. Khadka specials


Himalayan Imports Owner ~
Apr 5, 2005
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L to r

16 inch 28 ounce UBE by Sgt. Khadka. Chiruwa style horn handle. Great work by Sgt. Khadka. All fittings are white metal. Yours for $120 delivered. *SOLD*

15 inch 27 ounce Ang Khola by Sgt. Khadka. Beautiful walnut wood chiruwa style handle. All fittings are white metal. $100 even. *SOLD*

Eamil to get one or both.
Email sent on:

15 inch 27 ounce Ang Khola by Sgt. Khadka. Beautiful walnut wood chiruwa style handle. All fittings are white metal. $100 even.

We'll see. Fingers crossed.

ohhhh man... i hope i get it :D
itll be my first real khadka khuk... i own 2 iddy bitty kothi biltons from him :)
no email from yangdu for me yet *bites nails* :foot:
congrats on that snag eric... thats one sweet piece :thumbup: :)
I don't even really like Ang Kholas but I'm sorry I missed out on that one. Beautiful blade, OUTSTANDING handle:thumbup: Looks like it is not too big around plus "the wood" is nice;)
I had never been big on the UBE before, but this one is NICE! Also, is it just me, but does the finish on each of these look extra-good? Very smooth.