Deals for 2/01 -- Pix and awesome buys


Himalayan Imports Owner ~
Apr 5, 2005
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L to r

17 inch 29 ounce M43 by master Kami Bura. Montana elk antler handle. Usual fine work by Bura. Price $140 delivered. *SOLD*

17 inch 28 ounce Foxy Folly by Vim Bhadur Kami. Chandan wood handle. All fittings are white metal. Take this beauty home today for ONLY $138 YBB. *SOLD*

18 inch 29 ounce Uncle Bill Especiale by Vim Bhadur Kami. Horn handle. Perfect fit and finish. I am offering this rig at bargain price $125 UBB. *SOLD*

16.5 inch 29 ounce Chitlangi WWII by Vim Bhadur Kami. Horn handle. Superb Knife for $120 YBB. *SOLD*

14 inch 18 ounce YCS Karda by Kumar. Single dragon carved on both sides of chandan wood handle. Your for $80 YBB. *SOLD*

9 1/4 inch 7 ounce Grand baby Chitlangi by Vim Bhadur Kami. Sisau wood handle. Yours for $48 YBB. *SOLD*

Email to get any or all.
HI Knife is guaranteed for life!
WOW!!! look at the ycs carda *DROOL* :eek:
great deals today!!! CONGRATS TO ALL!!! :D :thumbup:
chomp chomp chomp... come get em sharks :)

EDIT: the chit handled wwII is also very nice... somebody should jump on that one.
ahhhhhhhhhhh karda is still there... im going to have a smoke :foot:
hopefully it will be gone by the time i get back :grumpy:
At the risk of drawing the ire of many of the faithful here, I just can't seem to get enthusiastic about the Foxy Folly. It just doesn't call to me in the way other models do.

At the risk of drawing the ire of many of the faithful here, I just can't seem to get enthusiastic about the Foxy Folly. It just doesn't call to me in the way other models do.


*gasp* how dare you :grumpy: lol j/k :D

its the one model my fiance and i really really like :)
super wide leafy blade and sweet sweet fullery goodness... have you handled one before eric?

EDIT: any fan of a fullered blade would be unable to resist this pic:
Nice looking UBE. Good lines and a bit of curve in the handle and just about the right weight/length ratio.
*gasp* how dare you :grumpy: lol j/k :D

its the one model my fiance and i really really like :)
super wide leafy blade and sweet sweet fullery goodness... have you handled one before eric?

No, I haven't. I guess in fairness I should reserve a final opinion until after I have thoroughly reviewed the one you are going to send to me. ;) :)

Maybe it's the pictures, but the handle on Skyler's seems a little longer, or perhaps narrower, than the one on today's offering. I like the longer/narrower handle version better.


It seems as though as time goes by the FF handle gets shorter and fatter. When looking back at the original FF the handle was quite a bit longer and not as fat.
It seems as though as time goes by the FF handle gets shorter and fatter. When looking back at the original FF the handle was quite a bit longer and not as fat.

A longer handle seems to balance the fullness of the FF blade better, for me anyway.
