Decisions, decisions...Which BM?

Feb 7, 2003
Ok, I've spent the last 2-3 weeks researching which new EDC to get and have it narrowed down to 3...all BM's.
#1 BM710HS...there are just too many good comments on the M2 not to want this.
#2 BM806D2...same comments as above...seems everyone loves this knife.
#3 BM942BT...not as many comments out there on this one but I love the way it looks/feels.

So first, if you had your choice and money was no issue, which would you go for? Second, and I am sure this has been discussed till the cows come home, would you go for plain or with the combo edge. Right now I am leaning towards the plain.

Thanks for the great forum! What a wealth of knowledge.

Oh, also, just got done playing with a CRKT M18...I think I am going to have to get one of these also. From what I am hearing Canada doesn't like the BM's and I have a cottage in up there. (if this is inaccurate, please let me know).
I have all of the models you mentioned but sold the 942, just not beefy enough for me.

I would save the money on the CRKT and invest in in both the 710 and the 806!

Both are great knives but I prefer the 806 by a fairly strong margin. It's got great blade geometry and fantastic ergonomics, along with several comfortable methods of holding the knife.

The handle on the 710 is not quite as versitile but also very comfortable. I think if you want the benefit of a recurve go for the 710 - other than that the 806 would be my choice.

The only thing I have heard about the BM's in Canada is that customs claimed a (specific) 710 could be used like a gravity knife. I think if you tighten your pivot a little you won't run into problems. There are plenty of forumites here that are from Canada and love their Benchmades, that's for sure!

FWIW, I have an aluminum handled 710 on the way to me now and I'm planning on picking up another M2 bladed 710 to blade swap them - I think the combination of the aluminum handled 710 with an M2 blade will be excellent :)

Of course ultimately I would reccomend getting the knife that appeals to you the most - afterall is said and done you're the one who will have to carry it, right?

Good luck choosing!
Forgot to mention - I would always choose plain over serrated personally. If you think you'll be cutting a lot of rope the recurve in the 710 will compensate somewhat for the loss in serrations.

Cutting belts and ropes are about the only time I see serrations being worth having... YMMV
If you don't "polish" when you sharpen, you get most of the advantages of serrations without any of the drawback. Once I learned how to sharpen properly, I stopped wasting my money on combo-edge blades.

The AFCK series is a super everyday utility knife. Great blade geometery for real world use. Based on your list, the AFCK would be a no brainer for me - not that the other knives are bad ;)
You really can't miss with those three. They are three of the best folding knives you can buy for any price. Choose the one you like the look and feel of.

Only go for the combo edge if you cut rope at least 30% of the time and you don't care to sharpen your own knives. At least, that is my opinion.
3 great knives here. For me I would go for the AFCK. More than anything it would do it over the others for its handle. Just feels a little more secure than the others due to its ergonomics.

My self I have a 60/40 blade but if I could do it over again I would get a plain edge. Slices better and is easier to sharpen.

Good luck with your purchase!