Decrease in number of knives in the "for sale" forum.....

Mar 26, 2000
This is just a friendly observation. I have noticed that there has been a drastic reduction in the number of posts in the for sale forum since the membership requirement---there has also been an increase in the number of posts being made in the "other" forum having to do with knives. This is just a friendly observation from a concerned member.

I wonder if the sale section will be a bit more securer since only members who have their credit card info and personal info stored at BFC would be less inclined to not follow through? The old way there was not info on anyone. Spark did say that you post at your own risk so the question may be a moot point.

Any thoughts?
Matt, I noticed it too. I certainly have no problem with the fee, but I don't sell enough to justify it. I do think that more people would pay if they could do so in monthly installments, etc.
Knifeforums has certainly picked up a bit :) .
The posts and discussions in all the forums besides "for sale" seem to still be going on and surviving. :) Just an observation from a concerned member.
Even if discussion has picked up at KF somewhat, it is still dead, dead, dead compared to the level of traffic this board experiences.

If the For Sale forums over there have picked up and the ones here have quieted down, well, that's hardly a surprise; people participate in anything less when it goes from free to costing them something.
I believe I read about this phenomenon. It was in an article entitled: "When asked to pay for services, cheapskates leave in droves" in the magazine "DUH!". :rolleyes:
doesnt suprise me - when ya get something for free, its hard to start paying for the privelege........

I am not so sure the reduction in knives for sale is the result of the new fee structure. Right now the market seems very slow. People are not in the mood to buy and as a result if you try to sell the prices you can realize are very low. This doesn't make people want to sell. I frankly believe this is a result of the general slowdown in the economy - people are being a little more guarded with their disposable income.
As far as the attitude from certain Gold Members I and many other members argued for a lower fee structure. I am not interested in overpaying for a service. I suggested Spark collect $10.00 from everybody. I am sure most of us would be willing to contribute at this level - providing we have full access to the forums. And to those who would start to label us in a derogatory manner - a hearty F.U..
Originally posted by averageguy
Right now the market seems very slow. People are not in the mood to buy and as a result if you try to sell the prices you can realize are very low. I frankly believe this is a result of the general slowdown in the economy - people are being a little more guarded with their disposable income.

I noticed a big slowdown that coincided with either the beginning of Summer or the Blade Show... couple months ago. It certainly could be the economy also...have noticed a couple people on forums who suggested they lost their jobs.

Even the number of cr@ppy trade offers and ridiculous lowball offers has tapered off. That is the good side. :)

The number of flaky offers, and people who say "SOLD...GOTTA HAVE IT" and then promptly change their minds has remained constant.

I have no doubt the fee-to-sell has slowed things down...we'll know more how much by Fall I suspect (after recovery from Blade Show).
I agree with rdangerer. Everything is slower in the summer. The better test will be this fall. And even though the number of knives for sale at KF has increased they don't seem to be selling particularly well.

I've too noticed a direct correlation between the decreased sales in the forum vs. the total number of cheap bastids :)!

$30.00 annually is nuthin' to people who spend 1-3K annually on knife purchases, and for me personally, it's more the fact that I owe Spark and this site a heck of a lot more than that for the money I've saved on knives here, as well as having access to the absolute best medium for knife sales.

Same posts, differant day.

This has already been hashed out. The reasons are already abundantly obvious. I'm still not changing my mind.

I'll say it again - the focus of this site is knife discussion, not knife sales. If you want to sell, you are cordially invited to help keep the site open. If you don't want to, you don't have to sell here.

Hell, I passionately and vehemently argued that no one was going to pressure me into buying a membership, defended my choice not to buy one, and then promptly bought one anyway because I felt like it.

Why did I change my mind? I dunno. But I did.
Razoredj I don't care what other people say about you, you are a stand up guy in my book for joining and helping to keep the Forum up and running:D .
When you charge for something that was free a lot of people are going to opt out. That is human nature. The discussion of knives on Bladeforums seems to be going along just fine and that is what is important to me.

I go to KF once in awhile and as good as it is, and even with the pick up in posts, it reminds me of a soap opera. You can be away for a week and it doesn't seem that you have missed very much. That is certainly not the case here. Much more goes on on Bladeforums and I get far more information here than on KF. Bladeforums is IMO by far the best forum for knife knuts, and I can not see that changing anytime soon.

Right on Razor! You may be confused, but I think you knew that you were going to support the forums all along. ;)
Originally posted by Professor
$30.00 annually is nuthin' to people who spend 1-3K annually on knife purchases...

No doubt! I shudder to think what I've spent in the last year. I know when I first got into "adult" BB-guns I spent $5K like it was nothing.

I can easily think of $1K I've spent in the last couple of months -- probably a lot more if I actually added it up on paper.

I haven't sold a lot of knives on BFC, but I feel that offers are a little slow lately. I had two CRK knives listed for a week. They got over 400 views and only a few valid offers... Only time will tell....
