, what is the story about that Foliage Green G10 Stretch?
Well.. as
mentioned.. There is a theme.. lol..
About a decade ago, I got a Foliage Green Spyderco...
Then another and a-nother and...... so on...
Once I collected All the FG Spyderco's, in stock form...
I started doing blade swaps.. That's when Hap40 sprints, came on scene..
Well... They never made a FG Stretch.. but they made a Hap40 Stretch..
Having picked up an original, FG dragon skin scaled
Delica, on the 2nds market.. I reached out to Steve. (Actually, this Delica and a FG g10 Dragonfly, might of started it all)
Steve did the back spacer, as well.
"Mini Stretch".. Spyderco UKPK..(Highly underrated model! Much like the Stretch is..)
This is my Hap40 blade swapped section. (Of stock g10 Spyderco models).. (minus the UKPK)
I have a DLC Hap40 Delica with Boomer52, Lil Para Delica(grind mod) scales.. (from a St. Nick's Delica)
Steve also did a set of Native 5 scales with my custom, Wire clip, mod.
I have since done a wire clip mod, on a LW Native 5. (The way it should have been).. Also on a Delica(the Dragon skin Delica)
Beyond that.. I have bought extras, just for the scales and sold them off, with the swapped scales.
Just so I could have the FG scales on different blade steels. Lol..
Story time over.. lmao...