Delica or Endura?

I have them both and I tend to carry the endura more because the delica just isnt large enough to be a primary edge for me. I do keep a zdp 189 delica in a custom neck sheath. Right now im snowed in the house and the waved delica is in my pocket but when I go out later I will take the endura.
the delica handel is kinda of small for my big hands, I have a endura 3? in ss

but it all boils down to preference or blade lengh cary laws
I find that the endura tends to scare people who are not used to someone pulling a knife out of know where, via the wave. So I carry a Delica 4.
Was just thinking the same question.

I prefer the Endura 4 over the Delica. The Delica is great but, it's a tad too small for my EDC needs. However, when I need a small folder for certain occasions, the Delica rides along.
Both are solid, outstanding knives. Both open equally well with the wave.
Really depends on what size knife you want....bigger go with Endura, smaller with the Delica.
I kind of like the Endura because it is bigger. If I am only going to have one blade to defend myself I want a bigger sharper blade. One thing to think about is that because of most blades coming with pocket clips some bad guys are looking for them now, hanging out of the pocket. So I carry mine inside my waistband and since I work undercover nobody ever looks there for my blade.
I kind of like the Endura because it is bigger. If I am only going to have one blade to defend myself I want a bigger sharper blade. One thing to think about is that because of most blades coming with pocket clips some bad guys are looking for them now, hanging out of the pocket. So I carry mine inside my waistband and since I work undercover nobody ever looks there for my blade.

That's interesting. Just wondering, couldn't the fact that a bad guy who observes the clip act as a deterrent against proceeding with the attack? I would think that he might just move on to someone else who may not provide a risk to his own well being. Or do you feel that the attacker may try and take the knife from your pocket? Just wondering as it's an interesting perspective.
Endura for outdoors / backcountry. Delica for indoors / office.