Delta-Z Knives is no more :(

Jul 24, 2002
From Mailing list E-mail:
To all our customers:

We have made a very difficult decision here at Delta Z to exit the business
after nearly 4 years. Whether we end up closing or selling the company, it
has been a terrific experience for us, and we have made many long lasting
friendships along the way for which we are extremely grateful.

As we wind up here at Delta Z, we must move absolutely all knives in our
inventory at unbelievably low price levels! These rock bottom prices will
never be seen again, so stock up on your favorite knives while they last.
Ospreys®, Skeleton Knives, Stilettos, Damascus Lock Backs and Fixed Blades,
and our Patented 360 Pivot® Executive knives are all available at incredible

As a member of our e-mail list, you have first notice over our forthcoming
mailing. Take advantage and get your orders in via our web site as soon as

Dealers, you're also welcome, however we ask that you call us first to
verify available quantities prior to placing your on-line web site orders.

Thank you very much for your past and present business. It has been a
pleasure dealing with everyone in this great sporting knife industry.

Best regards,

Barnaby Zelman
Delta Z Knives, Inc.

This stinks, I was hoping for some new models this year. I ordered a Stilleto and another Osprey to ease the pain :(
The Stilettos and Osprey prices are what really amaze me. I would like to wish Barnaby all the luck in the world with his future endevors. He is one hell of a nice guy.:)
Dont know which to do, thank you or cuss you badguy. Just placed a order for 5 knives. I hate to see anyone close up shop and double so for knife companys.
*sigh* :(

I would love to buy several of these knives ... I'd checked out their sale before now. Unfortunately, $55 for shipping to Canada is prohibitively expensive. Sometimes (like now), it's very frustrating and inconvenient to live in this country.
I know what you mean. This news has me sad, even tonights purchase doesn't make me feel better. Now finding s damascus Osprey when I have the money will be a REAL pain in the ars. I was hoping for a new run. And I just started to get into there Cali Autos :)
God Damnit, I hate to see a honest buissness go under. Theres so much crap out there it's unbeleiveable it pushes out any quality, this is just another blow to the good buissness. I would like to place an order, but like knifeyspoony it's too expensive to ship too this country. I was going to pick up a manual stilleto but the shipping excedes the blow out sale price, sometimes this country in very inconvient. I wish Barnaby the best of luck!

(sorry for spelling errors, I'm up late and have some sort of virus)
$55 bucks to ship to Good ol Canada?? Man!!
I might have to pull in a favour and get it shipped to a relative down south and have them bring it up for me.

Which model were you eyeing? I got my eyes set on a damascus lockback

Edited to add
The knife would be US$129.00.
Shipping would add US$ 15.00.
Total: US$ 144.00 to be paid by International Money order payable to
Knives, Inc., P.O. Box 1112, Studio City, CA 91614-0112

Note: Since these items are almost sold out, please reserve your's
sending the payment so I can put one aside for you.

Thanks for your interest in our sale.
The damascus lockbacks are nice. I have the Ladder and Raindrop pattern folders. Well worth the price!!
Unbeliveable, I'm glad I got my raindrop damascus lockback. I also was waiting to see what new models they would come out with this year.

My neighbor liked mine so much he ordered his last week but said he hasn't heard anything from them. Wait till I tell him this. :(
thanks for the heads up TBG, just ordered the cocobolo partially serrated. hope it lives up to its expectations : ). do any of you have that blade? if so what do you think about it? also anyone that might have an extra non-serrated one be willing to swap since they were all sold out of those.

These are some GREAT prices. I just ordered 3 of the Executive 360 knives. Were $79.95 now $19.90!! WOW!!
Originally posted by jjcoolay
Which model were you eyeing? I got my eyes set on a damascus lockback

I'd like to get perhaps five or six different ones. Not any of the damascus ones, as nice as they are - they're still a little pricey for me. I at least want an Osprey or two before they go out of business!

Originally posted by jjcoolay
Edited to add
The knife would be US$129.00.
Shipping would add US$ 15.00.

Hmm ... I've e-mailed them to get information. The shopping cart on their site told me $55. It looks like I have a friend in the US who would be willing to receive them for me to save me some money, if necessary. Still, it's annoying that I can't use my credit card with them.

I just ordered an Osprey to end my run of Delta Z knives. It has been a fun sale. Hope Barnaby has great luck in the future!
Sorry to hear they are closing their doors! Put an order in this afternoon at work for an Osprey w/red maple burl scales. Just ordered some liner lock folders as my last Delta Z knives. Good luck to Barnaby Zelman and employees of Delta Z Knives, Inc!:(
Originally posted by artsig1
These are some GREAT prices. I just ordered 3 of the Executive 360 knives. Were $79.95 now $19.90!! WOW!!

I placed my order for the same. These will make great Christmas gifts :D
I am disappointed to see this, because Barnaby made a real effort to be a part of the community and offer some great, unique products. I have been a fan since I won a wood handle linerlock in a giveaway here a few years ago. I had pumped DeltaZ whenver I had the opportunity, especially for anyone looking for classy handles, not black plastic. I gave a cocobolo folder to a buddy on his 50th birthday last year. They just never caught on with people here. Knife enthusiasts have all kinds of snobbery - steel snobbery, brand snobbery, country of origin snobbery. Unfortunately, 440 steel made in Italy just has no snob appeal.

TBG actually gave DeltaZ a big push here a few months ago, and was more sucessful that I was...but the prices told me the writing was already on the wall.

I hear you. All I wanted was an Executive pen which is an unbelievable $19.90 but can you believe that Fedex shipping to South Africa would be $40 :( Plan B, asked a buddy of mine in the States to get it for me and I'll get someone to pick it up from him later in the year.

Good luck dude. Bet the dealer prices suck in Canada too hey?