Denied a SS4?

Aug 20, 2006
Reposted from the Scrapyard Forum in case some of you HOGS don't read over there. I was one of the lucky ones that got their order on the second release of these so I plan on sharing the wealth once I receive my order in the mail.

Are you on Active Duty in the U.S. Military, Coast Guard, Border Patrol or activated Reserves? Did your get an order canceled on the second release of the SS4 and you didn't get one on the first release either?

Send me a PM if you meet the above criteria or e-mail me at:

Stealther (at) gmail dot com

Note, credentials will be verified and please don't send me a PM if you intend to turn around and resell. I primarily want to take care of regular forum members who missed out, so please don't call all your buddies!

**Price added** Price is $168 shipped CONUS if payment by USPS or $173.88 if paying by PayPal. I had to pay sales tax since I am in Texas in case you were wondering about the price. I didn't intend on making this a WTS thread but to abide by the rules here at BF it has become one. If you're not in the military or related field I might have some for sale, depending on how many military personnel take me up on my offer.

Finally, Thanks to all of you out in harms way for all that you do.

Nice gesture! I hope someone is able to use one of these to it's fullest potential!
I just realized this might be considered a solicitation, if so please accept my apology and please move/delete this thread.
Well, I honestly can't say that I was denied, but I damn sure wish I had one!
This thread could be moved to the exchange.

you would have to list the knives and a price, but you can definitely restrict sales to active military if you so choose.
I wasn't denied one, nor do I serve active duty and on top of it I live in Australia. Any chance to be invited into this select group? Regards
Hmmm. I'm a campus cop and I support the hell out of the recruiters here on campus....

Not even close right?
Military and LE offer ends tonight at midnight, you have till then to contact me, then I will open it up to all others (not at the same price however). Sorry guys, special price is only for military and related fields.
Military and LE offer ends tonight at midnight, you have till then to contact me, then I will open it up to all others (not at the same price however). Sorry guys, special price is only for military and related fields.

But only if we missed out on the offering from the store, right?
But only if we missed out on the offering from the store, right?

Priority goes to those that meet the entire criteria, so far thats two people. If I have any left I might open it up to all military and related fields. Afterwards I might have some for sale to civilians but not at this special price. Send me a PM or email to be put on the list (recommend email since my PM box is filling up fast). Include your details and be prepared to verify your military/leo status in some way.
I wasn't denied one, nor do I serve active duty and on top of it I live in Australia. Any chance to be invited into this select group? Regards

Join the US Military? :)

Hmmm. I'm a campus cop and I support the hell out of the recruiters here on campus....

Not even close right?

Sorry, you're really close but you just missed the requirements! :)

I am not in any branch of the service :( my dad is a vet thou ...
You can sign up now, but it might seem silly just to get a knife :)
Hmm does it count if I tell you that I did infact apply to join the Marines when I was 18 but recieved a medical disqualification? I tried man, but they didn't want me. That's gotta count for something. :p