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Deployment knife/tool advice request

Jan 22, 2002
With a deployment likely to a very desert/sandy region in the very near future, what folding knife AND multi-tool would you recommend to take with you? While we're at it, what would make a good portable sharpener (or would you take a Sharpmaker 204)?

Keep in mind, the location is NOT front line/SF, but a -slightly- more rearward position.

I have a BM 555 and a leatherman, but am considering a knife with a slightly larger blade, and a multi-tool with lockable tools.

Considerations are at this point: BM ACFK axis, Sere2000, or even BM 551, and a Gerber legend, SOG powerlock, or SAK multitool.

Keep the cost reasonable, considering there's a lot of other crap to buy as well before the big shove-off. Also, light weight is nice, but not a show stopper. A large fixed blade I don't feel would be neccessary.

Thanks, and give your best thoughts out to those putting themselves in harm's way for their Country.

Well, I can tell you what I sent with my wife when she left yesterday. I was planning on getter her a nice heavy use fixed blade becuase everyone I talked to who had experience with that said a fixed blade will be much more useful over there then a folder. I was thinking Strider or something along those lines. But when the call came and she was told to report in less then 36 hours we had to get what was available locally. Eneded up buying her a SOG Seal Pup, which seems like a pretty decent knife for the money and the sheath works really well hooked to an LBE (after a little coaxing with a dremel tool anyway)

She also took a Spyderco Native and a Benchmade BM42.
BM 551 and an SRKW Howling Rat.

If you want a larger (7") fixed blade, Camp Tramp.

I don't own, nor have I handled a SERE 2K, but I've read here and other sites that it's a great folder...

The 551 is one tough bugger. Holds a nice edge, light, can grip/use easily with gloves on. I've used mine (proper tools were not available) to split hardwood shims using a baton.

The Swap Rat Knife Works line was made to fit the niche you mentioned. I own an SRKW Camp Tramp, and it's also one tough bugger.
Swamp rat is a great choice!

As for folders go if you can, get a Charles Marlowe folder. He puts heavy 3/16 thick blades on his folders and I've never seen a more solid folding knife. It will not fail you!
I appreciate the input so far.

I'm going to go look at some of the options at the local knife store this weekend. It seems that the SOG powerlock, SAK multitool, and Leatherman Wave have the most support here.

It's amazing just how much stuff there still is to buy for a deployment. I guess it's not stuff that's required to live, but helpful to live comfortably (like a thermorest sleeping bag mattress).

Thanks again for your help.

I have the SERE 2K and the Powerlock. Tuff tools indeed, both are heavy. You cant go wrong with these choices for the dough. I have the Ralph/WIlson CQB basic model on the way. This may kick the SERE out of rotation, but it cost about twice as much(both bought used). Then there is always the Sebenza if you have the cash, of course then you are in the Charles Marlow or Mike Obenauf rage. Tough choices.

The 204 sharpener is great if you have the room. If not I would probably go for the DMT diafold.

Good luck.
Such as the BM Nimravus (4.5 in blade ~10 in overall) or a BM Nimravus Cub (3.6 in blade and like 8 - 8.5 in overall) these blades are small enough to stay out of the way, but you still get the reliability and convenience of a fixed blade (no sand all inside the handle). Something to think about. I have the Cub in M2 and it is super and compact.

As for the multitool, if you want one hand opening, go for SOG Powerlock, but If that doesn't matter, get a Leatherman Supertool 200. All the tools lock open and it is a hefty tool. Good luck over there.


I've been here for the past 4 months (in that sandy place). Your best bets are a quality multi-tool, and a small bladed folder/fixed blade. Sharpener wise, I highly suggest something very simple like one of the DMT folding sharpeners. The quarters are cramped, so keep whatever you bring as simple as possible.
The SOG Powerlock is wonderful. Get one. We use mine on the farm daily. Can't kill it.

As far as folders go, I'd get a Endura. Pretty great knife all around.

You'll have a bayonet for the real hard use if needed(prying or digging)

This may be a bit off topic, but I was over there for Desert Sheild/Desert Storm. We were one of the first units to get there. Take stuff to protect your lips. Carmex/Chapstick type stuff was worth it's weight in gold for the first few months. The Carmex in the tiny tubs take the heat better. I'm sure the supply system is better now, and towards the end, our area even had a nice little PX for the basics. I also took some very good , but lightweight long underwear. In the winter it will get cold. I was in the Marines and our supply system was pretty poor at first.
Good luck over there. Thanks for your service.
i'd go for a fallkniven f1...a gerber legend...and a dmt fine/extra fine diafold
www.kabar.com has nice Kabar Next Generation Fixed Blades, using contemporary materials. These knives have been proven in battle since WWII.

http://store.knifecenter.com/pgi-ProductSpec?CMBK7 The Becker#7 is a great knife for the price. I own this knife. It is recently released and was designed for US soldiers needs at an affordable price. For the money it is a great deal. Tough as nails :)

www.buckknives.com for a folder lockblade the military standard is the 'Buck 110'. They also sell more contemporary folders like the 'Buck Strider' with modern materials used, but the price will be higher. The Strider appears to be close to indestructible :)

http://www.coldsteel.com/index-b.html has a large assortment of knives that are of very good quality. I just bought a 'Voyageur' folder lockblade. This knife has been recently redesigned and uses the latest materials. A great knife at a very fair price. The SRK fixed blade was the most popular knife used during the 1991 Iraqi war. Not to large but strong enough to be used as a tool and knife.

You have mentioned the most popular multitools, SOG, Leatherman & Swiss. SOG tends to have heavier multitools as they are designed for the military. However, I would suggest going to your local store and taking a look at them. Ask the salesman allot of questions, they are typically quite knowledgeable about these subjects.

http://www.bokerusa.com/default2.asp There is also the Military Classic "Boker Applegate" click on 'shop online' icon and then the 'Applegate' specific link under the fixed blades for a treat :) There is the Desert Dagger complete with desert colours too http://store.knifecenter.com/pgi-ProductSpec?BOAF543DES

http://www.gerberblades.com/gerberlegendaryblades.html?05780 In addition, there is the the Applegate folder from Gerber. It was designed for soldiers.

http://www.chrisreeve.com/gberet.html A fixed blade getting allot of discussion time now is the Chris Reeve Knife 'Yarborough' or 'Green Beret Knife'. It is a very new knife, which uses the very latest materials available. The S30V may be the best knife steel available on the market.

Most soldiers carry a Swiss Army Knife ( SAK ) with the two best being:

Wenger http://www.wenger-knife.ch/indexe.html

Victorinox http://www.victorinox.com/

The "Swiss Champ" knife is legendary !

http://www.knifecenter.com/knifecenter/index/specops.html This website provides a general listing of COMBAT knives by grouping. Allot of knives here.

Norton India Stones are highly recommended for sharpening. I have a Norton 'Sport' India stone for touch ups in the field. It fits in the pocket of the Sheath for the Becker #7 so it is always there.

Norton: http://www.nortonconsumer.com/catalog/tables.asp?cg=D110

Good luck and let us know what you decide.


JB :)
hey, Cedric, The Edgemaker Pro sharpener+hone works great.You can spot them by orange handle and double set,1 is sharpener"X" and hone"X". It puts really great field edge quick with just a few strokes. You draw edge through the "X"'s.And it doesn,t take off a bunch of metal and will last you for years.Only about $6 or $7 bucks.And it is foolproof, works also on hard to sharpen blades, just kinda change the angle of drawthrough.I worked part-time at sporting goods store to help owner buddies, sold the heck out of them!