Designated Political Arena constructive criticism & suggestions for improvements thread

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HPIC - Hatas gonna Hate
Staff member
Super Mod
Oct 2, 1998
As promised, here is where you are welcome to offer constructive criticism and useful feedback about the Political Arena subforum.

You will not use it to take shots at each other.

I'll be frank, however: those of you who have issue with a 2nd Amendment related site having a bias towards supporting politicians who support the 2nd Amendment are kinda baffling to me.
I believe this can be done, and is probably a good idea simply because of the number of people who are unable to scroll past political arena titles without having an episode.

Or, perhaps I'll take a page out of the PG Platinum Membership playbook, where if you don't want to see it, you buy that level of subscription. Who knows, IT IS A MYSTERY!?!? WHAT COULD HAPPEN?
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I believe this can be done, and is probably a good idea simply because of the number of people who are unable to scroll past political arena titles without having an episode.

And I assume you're joking about this:

Or, perhaps I'll take a page out of the PG Platinum Membership playbook, where if you don't want to see it, you buy that level of subscription.
I believe this can be done, and is probably a good idea simply because of the number of people who are unable to scroll past political arena titles without having an episode.

Or, perhaps I'll take a page out of the PG Platinum Membership playbook, where if you don't want to see it, you buy that level of subscription. Who knows, IT IS A MYSTERY!?!? WHAT COULD HAPPEN?

I asked for this a while ago and would upgrade to it.

I am capable of scrolling past those topics, and I almost always do, but even some of the thread titles are conspiracy-mongering trolling. I am a conservative, but I come here to read about knives, so I would happily pay a little extra to not have to read trollbait thread titles from PA when browsing by new posts.
I assume the majority of members are here for knives and not politics, in my opinion it would be easier and make more sense to just hide the PA like W&C and be done with it...simple setting change.
I think so too.

some of the thread titles are conspiracy-mongering trolling.

This ^

And I have probably been unwittingly guilty of it myself.

I would happily pay a little extra to not have to read dog turd trollbait thread titles from PA when browsing by new posts.

I really think he was joking about that. Think about it: You cannot see it if you're not a paid member, but then you pay to be a member, and you have to see it??? And if you want to not see it anymore, you have to pay even more than you just paid... to go back to no longer seeing what you already couldn't see when you were not a paid member?
I'll be frank, however: those of you who have issue with a 2nd Amendment related site having a bias towards supporting politicians who support the 2nd Amendment are kinda baffling to me.

I don't want to get into political specifics, but since you brought it up, it's perfectly reconcilable to be pro-2A, hate people like Pelosi and Feinstein and their ignorant, uneducated policies, and also hate certain Republicans for what they've done/are doing to this country. I don't vote down any party line, except my own, and I don't have a political party except my own.
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I don't trust anyone in politics, period, but anyone who is anti 2nd Amendment is telling me that my rights end where their feelings begin & wants me disarmed for a reason - and that's never good
Moderators that moderate would probably help.

I don't want to get into political specifics, but since you brought it up, it's perfectly reconcilable to be pro-2A, hate people like Pelosi and Feinstein and their ignorant, uneducated policies, and also hate certain Republicans for what they've done/are doing to this country. I don't vote down any party line, except my own, and I don't have a political party except my own.
I agree with both of these sentiments.
I’ve dabbled in the PA a bit, and while I appreciate the ability to do so, I can also understand why it may be appropriate to hide it from the New Posts feed.

Some of the content is certainly not family friendly, and may align better with other sub-forums that require an additional layer to visit or view with intent.

Secondly, due to the perceivable possibility that the content could negatively impact the site we all enjoy, I would prefer that we err on the side of caution.

I’d cry in the full fetal position if I lost my favorite corner of the internet and it’s community.
I generally scroll post them in New Posts...but there have been so many of late that I have started putting the thread starters on ignore to clear them. Not ideal, since some of those members do participate in other areas; but if that's what it takes not to have them there, so be it.
If the political threads stopped appearing in New Posts, I'd have to go through my ignore list and figure out who to restore. Should be easy enough, there were only a couple of people (and a bunch of spam generators) on ignore, anyway.
I think so too.

This ^

And I have probably been unwittingly guilty of it myself.

I really think he was joking about that. Think about it: You cannot see it if you're not a paid member, but then you pay to be a member, and you have to see it??? And if you want to not see it anymore, you have to pay even more than you just paid... to go back to no longer seeing what you already couldn't see when you were not a paid member?

He was talking about the PG platinum membership that doesn't give access to The Pirates' Cove.
I googled PG platinum before I commented and all I found was engine coolant, so wasn't sure what that was.
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