Desperately Seeking Jack

Apr 10, 2005
While I was looking for the rescue jack thread, I found this picture. The owner of this variant needs to come forward and confess.


This is a work of beauty.
**insert drooling smiley here** :D NICE. Confess?? If I had it, I'd probably be bragging! :) SWEET! :thumbup::thumbup:
I have a nicer Satin Jack variant than that one, but I don't have that one. :D
This is my variant. It came in a 'Ganzaa last year. There are a couple others out there somewhere.

No teeth, ( & no Smart A$$ comment about "wow they must be from ( name your favorite state)") ;)


Love those Jacks !!!!!!!!!

I weep that I own only 1 Satin Jack...a Black on Black Paper...and it is a user so I guess that is all you need, but DAMN would it be nice to own 10!!!
This is my variant. It came in a 'Ganzaa last year. There are a couple others out there somewhere.


That one is my favorite Jack variant of all time. Congrats on that one, Rick! :D

(just set the Jack down and slowly walk away...:foot: )
It's not mine, I thought either Evolute or RokJok owned that one. (and since Evolute says that one is not his maybe RokJok, hopefully he'll stop by and answer)

Here are mine, I actually have a better pic but I can't get it uploaded to Photobucket.

I have this one, it was one of the first Busse knives I purchased and ended being on of my favorites!


Congrats you guys on some really nice SJs. Nice pictures too.

Rick, Nice variant you have there! :thumbup:

Skunk, You da HOG!! :eek:

jimmyjones, Nice trio of SJs! :cool:

Eric, Really cool SJs..... the 3rd one down is very sweet! :thumbup:

Randucci, Really cool looking SJ Variant! :cool: