Detailed Specs on 11" OVB Fisk Bowie?

Jan 5, 2001
Can anyone post detailed specs on the 11" OVB Fisk Bowie? I'd like to have details on the lengths, weight, and materials.

Also, why isn't the Camillus web site ever kept current? It always seems to be six months or more behind on new releases and such. :(

--Bob Q
The OVB is on the website. Click on Camillus products and then OVB. However, I don't see the weight listed but other details are there. Maybe Will can get the weight.
Thanks for the tip. I'm not sure where I ended up, but I found listings for the two older OVBs and not the current one. This time around all three were there. I am confused, but happy. :)

--Bob Q
I'll try to get the one I have here on a set of postal scales today. It is, as Fisk designed it, light and fast in the hand:)
Don't got to much trouble. I'd like to know, but I will eventually have one of my own to weigh. :D

--Bob Q