D'Holder "Golden Buckeye My Knife" Hunter

Feb 17, 2003
Beautiful knife and great picture. You've gotta do more than just post pictures of these knives. Tell us something about them. What kind of materials were used? Give us something.:)
Great picture, although too big to fit on my 1024 res screen. Make it 640!

I'm with Keith: No 'Hit and Run'--give us some details!!! ;)

Minfeng is my brother. His English is not so good for answering
the question. Let me answer it.

The blade material is stainless ATS-34 steel. The handle is
composite of Golden Buckeye burl, Africa blackwood, and yellow
amber. I bought this D'Holder's knife in October last year. My
borther and I took some pictures of this knive. We are happy to
share them with you. I sold the knife to my friend in Taiwan.
He is a knife collector. So I don't have it right now. Thanks
for looking the picture.