Diamond Matrix Stones

Mar 22, 2014
Over the summer, I got an Edge Pro system hoping to get more into knife steel testing.

Jim Ankerson does some KILLER knife steel testing and fully endorses the Edge Pro System, so I had to try it out.

While I was at Edge Pro getting a primer on how to use the system by the creator, Ben.

I ran into a very intelligent, very detail oriented gentleman we know here as @Diemaker.

He is the creator and maker of the Diamond Matrix stones. Made in the USA each stone is crafted by this man's hands and mind.

I've had some benchstones made overseas before but to have the ability to MAKE the stones is truly amazing.

Once we met we had an intense geek out on stones. I was very impressed, made my brain hurt, so much information. He is a very modest and humble guy too, so he'd be the last to tell you he is brilliant.

David is an absolute genius. Great to meet him in person.

I was sold,
I bought a 1000 grit stone and the really cool hard anodized polishing tape blank and some 6k tapes before I left edge pro

David later offered to send me a full set of his personal stones for me to borrow and check out.

First off, I may be a decent sharpener but I'm definitely an amateur with the edge pro system.

I got the 300, 650, 2300, 4000 from David to add to my 1100 and 6k polish tapes

Thought I'd put a killer mirrored edge on my Benchmade Pardue Hunter in S30v.

Surprisingly, I was impressed the most by the 300 grit. It has great feedback, very gritty, didn't dish out in use, and didn't load up. The cutting speed good but not so fast that it felt like a coarser stone.


I moved up through all the stones and used Windex to help battle load up.

The 650 stone had a similar feel to the 300 that I liked.


Once I started using the 1100 stone and up the resin started to load more.


It's interesting, the 300 and 650 stones remind me of a sintered abrasive in feel which is nice.

The 650 took some loading but not enough to hinder cutting. I was impressed by how minimal the 300 loads for a resin stone. Look forward to buying a 300 next time I'm at edge pro.

I noticed 1100, 2300, and 4000 feel almost like different stones. They are more like the resin bonded Naniwa Superstones which are known for bright finishes.


Once a hit the 4k stone the finish really "popped".


Afterwards I worked my way through some diamond strops down to 0.10 um.


Made a nice bushcrafting "push cutting" edge for wood processing.


I'm definitely still learning how to master the edge pro.


My favorites are definitely the 300, the 1100 and the 6k polishing tapes.

After Sharpening, I dressed and cleaned the loadup off the surfaces with a SiC stone flattener.


I look forward to putting my time in for mastery of the Edge Pro.

I let David borrow my Maxamet Manix 2 LW to play with on his stones when we met at edge pro.

Everyone needs to try Maxamet at some point. Especially us stone geeks.

At 67 HRC with high Carbide volume it's a beast.

When he mailed my knife back I was blown away by how beautiful the edge was. I'm not able to get the same finish with these stones so I've got more to learn. :D

Nice to see what these matrix stones are capable of.




Great job David, just stunning!

HUGE thanks to @Diemaker for the privilege of being able to play with some very cool stones. Also big thanks to Cody and Ben at edge pro for showing me the ropes on how to use the system.

I'll update this thread with my Edge Pro progress.

Also I look forward to the Benchstones David is making.:D
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