Did anyone happen to catch "Profiles" ?

Jun 9, 2001

I was channel surfing and landed on a documentary type show on ABC called "Profiles". The newsfolk followed our troops around Afganistan to see their day to day routine. That in itself was interesting, but then they went to a forward medical treatment facility (Think that's what they called it, anyhoo;).

They had three casualties coming in at 2 AM. One was an Afgan good guy with a bullet through his right leg, One was Dead On Arrival, but the third really caught my attention. He was an infantryman in the 101st Airborne from New York. He had severe lacerations to the base of his left fingers; palm side. The Doc asked what did this and he responded, " A Khukuri Knife" I about fell off the couch.

His fingers where to the bone and he was patched up and shipped home for more delicate procedures to restore the hand. I immediately thought about the safety thread and wondered out loud if he had his hand on the bottom of the sheath while removing a Khuk, and it cut through and got his hand. The cut was in the right place for it.

I know Sarge handed out instructions and safety info with the khuks he distributed. I wonder if this fellow could have been a recipient from his first trip and didn't bother to read the instructions. It's a small world, if that were the case!

Did anyone else see this program?

Missed that one...

Interesting though. :)

Noway he read the safety instuctions though or it wouldn't have happened.;)
may be the only so called "reality show" I will watch.

THESE people are real. The injury was clean when we saw it, and as I remember the man was being shipped for surgery to tendons.

I didn't hear if he did it accidentally (which it appeared) or not.

The nurse(?Lt.?) was impressive in her commitment wasn't she?

I can imagine it happening with My AK, I've been careless a few times.
Saw it too.

The doc asked how it happened, and the guy replied "kukri knife".

Doc says "what"?

The guy says something like, "kukri knife--the kind that cut ya real bad".

Almost fell outta my chair.

After the guy was treated, the doc speculated whether it was an accident or the result of an encounter with the enemy.

I vote accident. They mentioned that the guy has a few months of healing and rehab before he regains use of the hand.
To paraphrase the firearm safety rule, don't point the edge towards anything you're not willing to slice up.
If he still has his fingers and no other injuries, I'd say accident. I'd bet on more damage if someone was swinging it at him and he blocked with a hand. Also, he knew what kind of knife it was - not necessarily something you'd pay attention to if someone was attacking.
Missed it. Dammit read the safety thread! Doubt if it was fight inflicted unless he got into it with some of his own.
After the last cut that I got from the WWII I have not allowed myself to get careless again. With out the two layers of leather between the blade and my skin things would have been horrible. The one or two drops of blood kind when cleaning the blades I can handle. But with force to cut limbs is not the kind of cuts any of us needs.:)