Did you know?


Oct 8, 2004
Most of us have Uncle Henry Signature Series knives, and all of us are familiar with the serializing on the fixed blade Uncle Henry knives. But here is something I haven't mentioned lately, so newer members may not be aware of it.

This appeared in the 1975 Schrade catalog if anyone would care to check my source to confirm for themselves. I suppose I could have just told about it, but I thought that with the recent admonition to post all my sources, I would make this concession. I invite anyone who cares to to check their own knives to see if they have any made while serialization was done in conjunction with the loss warranty program.

Hey Michael, I just have one that is serialized in conjunction with the loss warranty program. It's a 897 and I am particularly proud of this knife for a lot of reasons. The best reason being my wife bought it for me! I have to admitt though that I didn't know it was serialized. Wasn't looking for it I guess. Thanks for the info once again my friend. Now I have another reason to be proud of it. Matthew
I did lose one and got a replacement in 1985. No serial number. Were these on all of them or did it stop at a certain date?

It stopped eventualy, though the date is uncertain on the folders. And as we mentioned in an earlier thread, I wouldn't think a serial number would be placed on a replacement knife, precluding replacements of replacements. My EDC 897UH is not serialized, but it came in the later bluestripe clampack (springs are just fine, thankyou for asking!). I've not checked my others. I did find a really neat collection of pocket lint when I checked this one though. Heck, it was about time to clean it out and oil the joints anyway.
After I posted I thought about the replacement to a replacement thing. Anyway, this baby has been with me for over 21 years. It still has a lot of quality and snap. I'd like to get a couple more for backup, but I don't want one that doesn't make it to the quality of what I have.

Thanks for the neato info on the serial numbers. I have a Case whittler I got as a gift from the factory that has the model maker ID about where the serial number is on these. Little details like that give the knife a special feel.:)

Michael or anyone else who posts on here,I hope you won't let a newcomer or anyone else stop you from posting what you think or what you know as common knowledge.We all realize that the only thing written in stone about Schrade is it is gone.All that is left are inaccurate catalogs, records ,and failing memories.Arnold
Just another counterproductive post deleted by it's author.

Now, who else has the liner serialed Uncle Henrys?

Michael the Codger
Well Michael you got me digging out all my 897's and I'm sorry to say that none of them have serial numbers. It gives me one more thing to look for in the future. Please keep up to good work, somebody has got to do it.
Thanks Rick
Rick, guys...don't...make...me...have to dig out my own 897's!

I barely have room for the files and notebooks and catalogs and boxes! OK. If it rains tomorrow like it is supposed to, I'll try to find them all. I haven't had a "UH slippie" moment in a while. Maybe I'm due. And while I'm at it, I'll check some of my disassembled 897's for serials too. Remember, this supposedly included all the UH folders.

Okay,we are twisting your arm from afar! You know it will be fun! I went and looked at all of mine but I realise you have alot more than I do Michael. And mine were allready out on display. So I'm not being fair. Matthew
Well, you might be disappointed if you are expecting "oooh-ahhh" pictures. I still don't have a good camera, so if I add any pics, they'll be lousey scans. But we'll see. And many of the collectors have larger collectiond than me. Visit the Schrades-R-US website in the sticky up top. Add it to your favorites. It is there for your research resource.

My inventory came up with 2 serialized Uncle Henry folders out of 26. Damn hard to read the number without a flashlight. It was interesting. I checked all of my Brown Box (6), Sharp Idea Box (5) Blue Box (2) and came up with none. I have 4 - 897UH in the newest boxes and I didn't disturb them.

The two I did find are listed below. They do not have their own box, but share residense in a 12 unit knife roll. I was hoping the boxes might identify a time period.

285UH - 90476
885UH - J20331

Of interest (to me anyway), the 885UH is my only Uncle Henry with a Tang Stamp of SHRADE over NY U.S.A over 885UH. I have no Schrade Walden UH patterns. Like the one in Michael's catalog example, mine has a long nail pull. I have two other 885UH, with shorter pulls on the master.
I just checked my most easily accessable dozen 897UH, and none are serialized.

I did find a serial number in my 885UH. It has the long pull, milled NS liners, and is tang stamped SCHRADE over WALDEN over N.Y. U.S.A. over STAINLESS on the mark side, with 885 on the pile (note no UH). The other two blades are stamped STAINLESS on the pile sides. The serial number of this one is 90354.

I'll dig out some more tomorrow. And maybe attempt a mass scan.

Sorry I couldn't get the light just right, 897UH bought in Quebec, Canada in 1976, it's the only one that I have with the liner serial number.


Click to enlarge
Great thread, I had no Idea. unfortunatly for me I dont have one like this but maybe someday I'll run across one.
These serial numbers are difficult to see in the first place, let along photograph. My one example so far is very lightly stamped.
Here's another try, the serial number is not as visible but you can see the whole knife.


Click to enlarge

Of all these 897UH, none has the serial number. Only the lone 885UH Walden has it.