DMT Aligner vs Lansky Sharpening System

Nov 21, 2005
I've been using a Sharpmaker for a few months now and even though I've been getting decent results with it, I can't really say that I like it. I am a perfectionist by nature and my hand is not the steadiest hand in the world, so I’m thinking of buying a guided sharpening system.

Since most of my knives are small and judging from the information that I’ve gathered here and on the internet, Edgepro and Ezesharp aren’t probably the best choices. So, I’m thinking of buying either the DMT Aligner or the Lansky guided sharpening system, which apparently deal better with small blades.

If someone can point me to reviews of these systems or has any hands on experience to share, I would appreciate it.

Go with the DMT it works very well.

GATCO clamp with DMT hones and ceramic to finish. (Or an EdgePro.) :p
I didn't care for the Aligner. Too much play where the stone holder rod goes into the square box on the Aligner. Same thing when I tried my buddy's Lansky setup. Yet, I have no problems doing small or big knives on my Edgepro Apex. No matter what sharpener you use always do the marker on the edge trick so you know you're hitting the edge consistently.
I dont like the clamps on either. My Aligner won't stay together properly and the whole thing flexes too much. The diamond stones are great.

The Lansky clamp is a little better but not much. It is roughly made and doesn't hold a small blade firmly if clamped close to the edge. The stones, including the diamond version are very good.

I have an old Loray clamp sharpener that is 30 years old. It is beautifully machined and fitted and puts both of the other brands to shame. I use it with the DMT stones.
My only problem with guided systems like lansky is inconsistant edge geometry from tip to choil due to the change in angle as the home is pulled further away from center. Also if a blade is wide or narrow it also changes your angle.. I'm not Saying you can't get I sharp edge but I like the fact that with a sharpmaker you get that constiant angle and it is symetrical from Side to side. I think if u need guided go WICKED!!!