Do you name your knive?

Jan 13, 1999
I just named my two khukuris. Went out and engraved the word "Yeti" to one of them. A small price to pay for more personality. What are some of your names?
I have a large Sebenza but as yet have no name for it. Lack of imagination or time I don't really know.
Anyone have any suggestions?


God bless!

Romans 10:9-10

"Military" Fans Unite!!
Geez, no. I have enough of a hard time naming a knife model I make, let alone each individual knife. I always forget what I named them later, too. You're very creative!

OK, as of now, my AFCK will be named "Slicy," my Civilian will be named "Hooky," my Police will be "Pokey,"....
Both Yeti and khukuri are Nepalese legends, so they seem to fit together.

Will, I don't know what to name a Sebenza. I think Chris Reeve had the right idea going for a Zulu name. Personally I'm naming my next khukuri "Entwi Dimala" -- Swahili for lion, literally, "he who greets with fire." Yah I know I'm a romantic. But all knife knuts are. That's why women loves us so much.

No, I was never lost. But I was mighty bewildered one time for three days.

--- Daniel Boone
I am having my last name engraved on my Sebenzas. Does that count?

For a good name, try "The Edge"

If you name your knives you should only be allowed to use plastic ones. Geez I can't believe what I read here
Why the heck not?
Swords used to be named by their owners, once upon a time. Why not knives?

I'm a JRR Tolkien fan, so if I was to name mine, they would almost certainly be christened in Sindarin or Quenya. the only thing stopping me is the fact that in order to get anything other than the most painfully crude names i would have to devote time to leafing though a dictionary. And I'm lazy.


Hey! Uncle Sam!

(_!_) Nyah nyah nyah!

Refund! You lose! :)

It's not something I normally do, but I have called them by some choice names after bloody sharpening mishaps...

I have been known to refer to my old Randall Smithsonian as "Tickle Me" Elmo...

I once ordered four Spec Plus knives at the same time. Three had 10" blades. The fourth was an 8" SP Fighter. So I named it "Runt". Pro-Grip will be named "Grippy," my Smith & Wesson will be named "Swatty"...this is great! Alley Kat will be named "Killy," my Blackjack subhilt will be named "Hilty"...
I have only named a few of my knives, one is called the Circumcizer, the other the Lacerator, and the last one Ouch(it bit me)
My Gerber Mark II is named "Bloodthirsty" (freakin' gotten me twice now!!!!!) and my Carson U2 was dubbed the "handmade custom knife from Hell" by one of my co-workers. The same guy is still trying to get that knife from me..........
I call my Spydie Terzuola "one eyed pocket monster" but, I keep confusing my girlfriend with questions like where is my "one eyed pocket monster".


[This message has been edited by Nick (edited 29 April 1999).]
You mean like in that movie with Tom Hanks and the CIA guy said it was just him and Mike, Mike being his knife.

Haven't gotten around to naming my knife, but since I just lost on the auto knife naming contest I probably shouldn't try...

But, gee, I'll ,sniff sniff, get over, sniff sniff, it, eventually......sniff sniff, small coughing sound



When a fellow says, "it ain't the money but the principle of the thing,"
it's the money.
F. McKinney Hubbard

Funny this topic should come up. A lady friend of mine was interested in purchasing a knife. After she chose hers (an endura) she asked what my knife's name was. I told her "AFCK".

She then responded by saying that wasn't a very creative name. So my AFCK is now named "Lucille."

Hey, good enough for BB King, good enough for me

Hee hee. So now I guess I have to ask her what she named her knife, huh Tom?

On a side note, Tom and practice the same martial art, in the same dojang (dojo/studio), and our instructors encourage us to name our 6' staves (called 'bongs' in our Korean style- <insert witty marijuana comment here>). I'm not sure what Tom named his, but I named mine 'Callista.'

Think about it for a second.



PS I still think I missed my chance...shoulda named it 'Johnson.'

Hey! Uncle Sam!

(_!_) Nyah nyah nyah!

Refund! You lose! :)

guilty! guilty! and NOT ashamed!

My AFCK is "Bigmommagollywhopper" and my little Mike Walker is "Booger". That way I can say, "Don't touch my Booger!" Leatherman will be named "Wavy," my Butterfly will be named "Clicky," my big fighter I made will be named "Fighty"...
I had a Randall Model 14 that I named "Gabriel" after the archangel. My Battle Mistress was christened "Shaka" after the Zulu warrior. Aubrey suggested the latter.
