It is for this reason that I carry the following on my "Bat Belt": A Leatherman SuperTool, a Mini-Maglite, and a pocketknife of humble mean. Also on my person, I carry my Laguiole pocketknife (for loaning to the ladies), and my Spyderco Endura. During the course of a given day, usually at least half of my assortment is on loan to one or another of my compadres. A few of them have racked up more time with my toys than I have...these folks have been pointed to the nearest vendor to "Buy your own knife!"
Speaking of carrying loaners, though, a rather amusing incident is called to mind.
On one occasion, several friends and I went to an establishment where alcohol was served on the lunch hour. This particular establishment, in accordance with strict compliance to the ATF guidelines about about Alcohol and weaponry, noticed the sheath on my belt, and asked me to divest myself of my steel. Grudgingly (the lads were in no mood to go elsewhere), I did so, and was surprised to watch everyone's (especially the security personnel) eyes widen as I forfeited piece after piece, and tool after tool. I dunno, I figured everybody liked to be prepared...guess not. When I used to work as a truss-monkey for roadshows, every 'tech had at least two sheathes on his/her belt. Guess I never noticed that folks in the 'real world' don't. Anyway, just got me to thinkin' about it...and smiling.
It's the SUSPENSE that kills me! --Bugs Bunny