
Apr 23, 2003
Well the final verdict is in. On Feb. 8th I will have an endometrial obliteration done. We had to compromise and will hope this works well enough to solve the problem and avoid major surgery. Due to problems in my insides the dr. wants to try to fix me without the complete hysterectomy because it will be major surgery and I will have a very high risk for complications. Plus the VA probably doesn't want to pay all the surgeons mine wanted in on the task:rolleyes: :D

This procedure is a very simple same day surgery. I will be under anesthetic, but will still go home the same day and should be able to resume normal activities the next day. I'm looking forward to trying this and really hope it solves the bleeding problem. If not I'm really screwed because the cough will not allow for me to have done what needs to be accomplished. (The penguins still sound like fun.:cool: :D)
Normally I don't post to things like this but this one hits very close to home. My wife and I cannot have children due to her having endomitriosis before we were married (apparently there was a treatment that was released 3 months after her historectamy that would have elimated this), and quite frankly I'm sad about it. I will send some prayers your way, and I hope you will not have to endure a painful operation. But if you do, know that my mom, my wife and my mother in law have all had these operations successfully.
All our best with you and a speedy recovery . There will be a post later on today or this week that may be of particular interest to you .Good luck .
positive thoughts your way Mama, git r done (as they say)

we're all in this together
Yes, I hope this works. Whatever it takes. Prayers from Montana.

Hi Gin, Hopes and prayers that everything works properly and you heal quickly.

Every time I read a thread like this, I'm reminded of Rusty's ....dislike.... of doctors. I think I'd carry a big honkin khukuri with me, just to show the doctors before they start working on you!;) Just to give them a little incentive.:D

good luck gin, and may all go well, y'all only need to take a lil' ol kukh, them doctors are wimps. just make sure it's a sharp one. you might even get asked if they can use it durin' yer operashun...i can see it now, the 'what kukhri should we use to operate on mamav' thread :D
Gin, I hope the only thing more successful than your operation is your recovery. :thumbup: Still, "back to normal activities the next day"? What's the good of getting whittled on if you ain't gonna be fussed over a bit. Rope some feller into waiting on you hand and foot like's square and proper. Men are trainable, if you don't believe me just ask my ex-wife, she's got her current husband trained just fine. ;)

...and may it go quickly and well, Gin.

Marked calendar for healing smoke, Wednesday 2/8.

Mike :(