Does anyone EDC Surge?

Oct 31, 2005
I am doing it. But the initial feeling of "have to EDC this" is wearing thin. Now I feel the weight and thinking of buying the new Wave... Just wonder if anyone actually EDC this tool...
I got one a couple months ago, but so far it mainly lives in my truck. I put it in my Supertool200 leather sheath, but that won't hold the extra bits and blades and it still feels kind of heavy.

I'm thinking of getting a Charge Ti for EDC. Right now I'm EDCing a Vic Spirit, which is nice and compact with locking tools. It may be too bulky for pocket carry for some, but I don't mind it.
I am afraid that I am the only one EDCing it. I carry it in the nylon sheath I ordered from leatherman site. The original leather sheath was of a bad quality in everyway. I made 3 thin and small sleaves. One holds the file, one holds a metal saw blade I bought and last holds 2 extra bits. They will fit in the between the side elastic layers well and secure. I carry it horizontally so it does not give a too big a profile in my work place. Well, let me see how long I can do this. One thing I would like to mention is that I still think Surge has best proportion of blades and assortment of tools. It even feels a bit of "military like". Also, all the implements can be opened and closed with one hand (left and right) with exception of the can opener, awl and the saw blade (can be done but too awkward).
I picked up a Surge awhile back because of its useful array of implements (although I was immediately stopped in my tracks by a deep-set screw:mad: ) and apparent ruggedness.

I edc'd it for awhile, but when the honeymoon phase ended, I decided that it was overkill for my ordinary daily needs and went back to my Swisstool Spirit. The Surge is back on deck whenever I KNOW I will be using such a tool heavily (camping, mechanical work, etc.).
Foilist said:
... I decided that it was overkill for my ordinary daily needs...
I have to agree with you that it is a bit of overkill. But since I will still EDC it for a while (honeymoon phase is not completely over yet for me?), some justifications might be needed. I can think of an urburn survival situation. Of course, a lighter tool will do most jobs the Surge can but the metal blade one can carry will give it an edge over others. Also the plier jaws which is so massive and strong and you can realy bet your life on it. One-handed operations for most implements also helps in the survival situation as well as in daily uses (saving you from putting down something to free up your both hands before an implment can deployed). Only new Wave (and its cousins) has this feature...
I gave the Surge a week or two test on the job and it failed me on a significant count. While reversing the screwdriver bit, the retention spring flew out. Luckily, I found the spring and forced it back in, but I was apprehensive about that bit system the minute I got a good look at it. I now carry it on my days off and carry the Core on the job.:)
Matches said:
... While reversing the screwdriver bit, the retention spring flew out...
Sounds like a quality control issue. It has not happened to me yet. But I did need to bend the spring in the eyeglasses screw retainer a bit in order to let the bit sit securely. Well, Leatherman has pretty good warranty policy and customer service. All it takes is one-way shipping fee plus 2 weeks waiting. 2 weeks waiting is the tough part for me. The lever for the sccsors failed (would not engage) and I sent the tool back and got it fixed. It seemed that they either replaced some implements or made some adjustments to them. I found that all blades were all treated and looked like brand new (because I knew I used the blades a lot before sending it back). And tensions of pivot points felt different as well...
I carry and use mine daily at work. I carry it in the tool pocket on the leg of carpenter style jeans and have a lanyard attached to it for easy access.
Thus far it has worked great. I carry a lot of other gear on my belt so do not notice the weight too much.
No complaints so far. Mine has loosened up so I can open the pliars with one hand which is a plus when you are holding a part or something with the other.
The outside opening blades are a real plus. After a while it become second nature to pull the tool,open the blade and cut,fold the blade and replace without looking or too much thought.
I really like this tool but do find it a bit much to carry when not at work. I usually carry a Charge when not working.
R.D.Hatch said:
I carry and use mine daily at work...
I am glad to hear someone does the same. I guess it is part of what this forum is all about, finding out that you are not the "only" one. Being the only one tends to make one feel somewhat "isolated"... :-)
I EDC'd the Surge for a few months, then I found that for all the features it offers I REALLY only needed a few. I switched back to my Fuse for a short time. My wife got me a Crunch for Christmas and I love it. I find that I need locking pliers at work far more often than I need needle nose (I work on a lot of pumps and motors, so a good set of locking pliers helps to steady the shaft). So, pairing the Crunch with a Vic Farmer and a 1/4" set of bits with an extention and I can do anything that I need. I made a form-fitting leather sheath to carry the crunch, the extention, and 3 bits that I find I need the most. It's actually slimmer and lighter than the Surge, and with the farmer in my watch pocket I'm all set.
The Surge now lives in my truck. If i need it, it's there. Really, the stubby drivers did it in for me.

It's really a shame that the Surge has the bits instead of heavy duty drivers. The Core would be the ultimate tool if the blades were configured like the Surge. Oh well, then there'd be nothing to discuss:( :rolleyes:
I EDC the Surge during the work week, I also have a Core and sometimes carry it on the weekend because I leave the Surge on my Duty Uniform. I like the Surge and I like 4.5 inch Leathermans better because of my size. If I were smaller, I would be more than happy with the Charge TI.