Does finish matter?

Jul 11, 2001
Ok let's say you are looking to buy a custom piece that you've been drooling over for years and finally you've either saved up enough or the price has dropped into your zone and you're ready to write the check so you contact the maker and find out the finish is different than the one you've been drooling over for all those years. I'm talking like Bead-blast vs. Greco's Crib-safe finish different. Does it matter to you? it's still the same damn blade right? it's just astetics right?
The situation is pretty much what I've outlined I've been offered a great price on a piece I've been interested in for quite sometime and I'm really thinking about it but it's no longer available in the bead blasted finish I was looking at. It's going to be an all black finish done by John Greco. Same damn knife but... Hell I'm just balking at the finish difference. What do you guys think? do I need a slap upside the head or should I just not buy the damn thing?
greetings, when in doubt...dont. Just like buying a Sebenza, if one has questions because its not the prettiest knife in town, thats alot of $$ to not be happy.
This is a personal choice to make.

But I always say.....

If the knife isn't talking to you, keep on walking.

--The Raptor--
Guess it all depends on why you were interested in the knife in the first place. If it's all about function, then the type of finish probably doesn't matter. However, if the aesthetics were part of the original consideration, then don't buy it if there's some aspect you're not happy with -- you will always be disappointed with the knife.

Why not ask the maker if he'll make one for you in bead-blast? Worst he can do say is no.