Hi Cigarhiker, welcome to Blade Forums.
Kershaw is a wonderful brand. They offer more, viable choices for sub-$50 EDC than any other knife company. They have so many choices in design and style, it's hard to not find something you like...and whatever you select, you're bound to be satisfied. If not, they offer one of the better warranties (for inexpensive knives) in the business.
I don't often carry a Kershaw, but I own 73. (yes, that's not a typo...I have a "knife problem"). Knives are a harsh mistress and they tend to demand more and more of your wallet as the relationship grows. My Kershaws have been replaced in my rotation by other knives (i.e.: more expensive), but that in no way diminishes them as an awesome gateway drug.
I don't know what your preferences are, but I can suggest a trifecta of Kershaws to look at: Skyline, Link and Leek. Each are made here in the USA at price points I still don't completely understand. If none of those float your boat, there are scads of Chinese manufactured Kershaws that are all good EDC candidates in their own right.
In terms of forum participation, someone else will have to speak to that. If you search old forum posts you'll see that Kershaw used to be very active here with their own subforum. At some time, they stopped participating. Hey, either way, it has no bearing on Kershaw KNIVES. There are still lots of knowledgeable Kershaw users here and Kershawguy has some of the best prices and service you can find. If you have questions about a particular model, chances are a member here can help you. Hey...73 and counting!
If I had one complaint with Kershaw it's that so many of their knives are now Assisted Open. I'm not a big fan of AO knives, but for many knife users they're a great option. Good luck, enjoy the hunt! The fact that you came to a knife enthusiast forum to ask your question only confirms to me that we'll meet some day at knife rehab.