Does that knife always end on the right side?

Oct 20, 2000
I really must ask this question because I have my doubts for a long time.

I see a lot of movies where the hero throws that knife, any knife, and it ends up in the chest or leg of the villain. Now, I have told myself many times. This isn't quite right.

Knives come in different shapes and sizes, so its geometry and its angle of projection will influence its landing status. I think I am right to some degree.

Then, I have seen those throwing knives, they sure look different from the ordinary blades. Seriously though, is there a way where you can actually throw a knife and make it stick. Or has Hollywood been giving us viewers the wrong end of the story all this while?
You're asking if it's possible to throw any old knife?


I've lately been playing around with a cheapie butcher's knife, a REAL cheap butterfly knife, and stiletto-blade dagger I ground myself. In addition, I have a little pocket knife (my first liner-lock kit...didn't come out too well, so I don't worry about tossing it around...) that I've been pitching. So the answer is yes, if you can feel the rotation out, you can throw anything.

The big difference in most throwing knives is that they are built heavy and tough, on the K.I.S.S. theory, so they can take the constant stress of practice. Sure, when you throw a knife properly, it doesn't take all THAT much stress (theoretically, it's the same stress that the knife would encounter on a good thrust from you in a melee situation). But it's all those practice throws that hit cockeyed, or sideways, or bounce to the concrete floor, etc., that really wreak havoc on a knife. Also, most dedicated throwers have no edge, to speak of. This is so that you don't slash open your hands when you throw by the blade.

At a pinch, though, I've found that anything with a point and some worthwhile weight is throwable. Pencils, nails, toenail clippers, and forks have all found their ways through my hands at one time or another. I get bored, and start playing around, thinking, "Hey, I wonder if THIS will throw...?"

You can throw anything that you want, if it is pointed then there is a method to throw it so the point hits the target. I can throw my ball point pen from 12'. The best way to start is by throwing from the end that has less weight if it is not balanced. Timing, consistency, accuracy are all a factor here, and remember that the smaller you go the faster it will spin.